A7o flopping trips
Posted by ShreddieNut
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Low Stakes
A7o flopping trips
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (5 Players)
CO: $11.27
BN: $11.06 (Hero)
SB: $15.79
BB: $10.40
UTG: $19.33
BN: $11.06 (Hero)
SB: $15.79
BB: $10.40
UTG: $19.33
BB is 15/13 over 40 hands with a 13 3bet stat.
Hero is BN with
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Been reading The Grinder's Manual and the author suggests raising to 2x on the button in most cases. Is this still applicable in today's micros or should I be raising more, maybe 2.5x?
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When V leads out here, what are you thinking?
Leads out a second time. At this point I feel alarm bells should be ringing, however I call anyway. I don't expect him to have too many aces here, nor any hands such as TT and 99 given the lack of a 3bet.
Is this a call or an easy fold?
Is this a call or an easy fold?
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Most players 2.5x it nowdays. At least the games I'm playing. Turn lead could be gutters like KQ, KJ or QJ. Dont know how aggressiv this villian is. But would call the river for sure. There a not a lot of combos out there that have us beat compared to the combos that could bluff.
opening smaller OTBTN is (was) meant to deal with agressive 3 betting from the blinds.
i dont think the 3 betting is that aggressive at nl10. sure, some players will do it, but they are easily spotted and most of them are easily outplayed postflop if you know how to defend properly.
plus, i feel like a lot of rega at the micros have adjust their game and will defend their SB and BB very wide to a 2x-2.5x open.
Regarding postflop play, villain doesn't have a very strong range here given his TAG style (of course small sample but we can assume he is some kind of reg with a decent 3 betting frequency).
yes, villain looks tighter than most, but i think it is still an easy call here. its not a big pot and he can definitely bet something else than Ax. a lot of the time he nas Ax, you will chop with him too.
I assume your range OTR consists of mostly trips (you don't get to the river like this with your full houses), missed spade draws, and maybe JQ. Since you are already folding all your missed draws, and given villains bet size, I think you have to call with all your trips lest you become exploitable.
Not saying he should fold in that specific spot, but I don't like that argument. We should make only calls that are +EV. At 10nl there are going to be river spots where villains rarely bluff and even 100% fold can be correct. No one at 10nl is going to exploit you because you fold too much on some specific rivers.
montana Sure, if you somehow know that villain is never bluffing, then obviously don't call. But absent any strong read, it can't be bad to base our decisions on GTO and balance.
We have reads on the average player and we should exploit that until we have enough data to see how that particular player deviates from the player pool. If he is very solid and we don't know how to exploit him, then we can try to play "GTO".
When it comes to calling rivers, it doesn't even have to be that he never bluffs. If we only have bluffcatchers and he bluffs even 1 combo less than is optimal then we have to fold 100%.
kaptajnkold brings an interesting point, if you fold trips in that spot, what are you calling with?
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