A5s 4bpot

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A5s 4bpot


Hi guys, im shotting nl200 and want you to evaluate some spots i played. Since im shotting I dont have too much info about villain. He seems to be an aggr. Reg. Do you think c/shove is good line and should i c/jam KK,AA too in this spot to protect my (weak) checkingrange?

Can someone tell me how this handconverter works?


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PokerIsHard 11 years ago

You flop (almost) the nutz, so your action is not very relevant in this spot, the pot is so big.

I like a CRAI, at least we got some FE and we can take a bet from a hand that totally missed the board. The only "bad" thing is when he checks back the flop and a brick come on the turn. I am always lost in this spot.

(and yes, the hand converter is pretty shitty on this site :( ).

TJ Serdar 11 years ago

I'm wondering what other hands we should be checking here, and would you ever be doing anything but x/jam?  I don't think that flop particularly favors villain's range over ours so I'd be tempted to bet most of my range.  If we do need to check some stuff, I like checking this hand to x/jam as mentioned.

Marivsz 11 years ago

I guess A5s is near the bottom of your MP range, so you can OR/fold.

UpUpAndAway 11 years ago
Whether A5s is towards the top or bottom of his opening range in MP is sort of irrelevant in this spot when he's 4betting, since it's best to 4bet bluff with hands that have blockers/play decently postflop (Axs) as opposed to hands not quite good enough to call a 3bet (77).

James Hudson 11 years ago

I would just go ahead and bet/get it it. The appeal of checking is to trap some dead money but I would think that most better Ax probably checks back the flop and pocket pairs that were "trapping" pre flop aren't folding regardless of your line. If villain has lots of suited broadways in his/her 4 bet flatting range then this starts to be a better play imo because we should be able to get more bet folds but without those hands in villain's range I'd rather just bet twice and assume we can get them off of AK/AQ type hands a big chunk of the time.

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