A3s 3bet pot SB vs BB
Posted by NickHalden
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Low Stakes
A3s 3bet pot SB vs BB
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $25.00
SB: $87.28 (Hero)
BB: $81.88
UTG: $30.27
MP: $29.88
CO: $36.74
SB: $87.28 (Hero)
BB: $81.88
UTG: $30.27
MP: $29.88
CO: $36.74
Hero is SB with
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No stats from villain, only that he was playing a bunch of mtts from $11/$55 so might be decent
Pre I think his range is pretty strong, but I think he would cold4bet JJ+, AK, AQs maybe.
STD sizing of cbet flop
Decided to x turn, my trips are not the best, complete the flush (clubs broadways, maybe some connectors)
OTR he is repping 1 combo of AJs, JJ that not 3bet or flush (huge sizing though), do we have a call?
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I think it's close. I'm not sure about the range you gave him pre as I would think he can be a reasonable amount wider than that given how deep you are, and he may be flatting AK a decent amount too. I don't think him having 98cc is beyond the realms of possibility.
I doubt he's folding almost anything to this flop bet (maybe like 78hh, but anything with any equity is calling). I think you need to bet bigger (75% pot) or check, and I would lean more towards checking.
When the club comes on the turn he's pretty likely to bet a lot of his floats so as played definitely call.
On the river he can turn up with AJ, A9s, A2s, 99, JJ and about 10-15 combos of flushes, so needs to bluff a lot. But he can have a lot of air and fire away, so I think it's close. Maybe I'd try some of that game theory stuff and fold because its not the top of my range, although I'm not sure you play better hands like this other than maybe AQ and AA.
I'm not sure if betting small works well for you in this spot, where villain likely has a decent range advantage and you're oop.
I really dislike defending with this kind of hand OOP especially when you are so deep and ideally would like to be playing for the draw type of hands. Always seems to get me into trouble. But that's just me.
I would've played it similarly and folded the river. I see so many suited connectors and suited broadways in his range, also PPs, better Aces, sth. like this: JJ, 99, 22, AJs+, A9s, A2s, AcTc, KcQc, KcTc, QcTc, 6c4c+, 5c4c+, AQo+.
But then again he could also show up with KJs/ QJs or even QQ? Hard to believe he would be happy with money going into the pot on three streets with these hands though. Like I said, I fold the river because there's really a lot of strong hands in his range.
At 25nl clear fold, already unhappy on the turn vs such a strong range. Also, I think he still might be betting AK OTR and give up with some rare GS. For me, it's not even close.
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