A3 on 773 facing flop raise
Posted by ohgodwhy
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Low Stakes
A3 on 773 facing flop raise
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $49.52
SB: $25.00 (Hero)
BB: $48.69
UTG: $21.80
MP: $25.00
CO: $38.52
SB: $25.00 (Hero)
BB: $48.69
UTG: $21.80
MP: $25.00
CO: $38.52
villain unknown
Hero is SB with
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Is cbetting for protection/value good here? Do we just fold vs an unknown raising? He's basically repping 7x or nothing and there are no draws on the board. He might do this with two random overs if he's aggressive but that's probably it. How do we play this vs someone aggressive and/or likely to raise a lot of flop cbets to an amount where we really don't wanna b/f a pair?
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I find in this situation villain is usually just making a play as paired board in quite dry so they are attacking your cbet assuming you have nothing. If he has a 7 in this spot, surely he would just call and let you continue to do the betting with your 3, two high cards or overpair?
Problem is, if you call his raise OTF you have to be prepared for him to barrel turn and river and unless another three comes down our small pair cant stand that heat.
Depending on player and dynamics, sometimes i just make a stand there and then.
I think it's quite hard to say what an unknown is doing or thinking here. It could be the case that he's just making a move but he could also just go ahead and raise some 7x to get value from pairs, A highs and/or try leveling me, especially given my sizing. I would lie if 3betting with a decent blocker and little playability on further streets didn't cross my mind but I'm unsure if just folding still isn't the better and especially lower-variance option vs someone we don't know at all. I can still defend with 7x, 33, overpairs and some overs with backdoors so it's not like he can print money here.
Curious about further opinions though.
Your only option on the flop is to call. C-betting is fine
I think folding to a raise on these boards is too exploitable. I would call the raise and probably fold turn if he barrels. I've been in some similar situations myself where villain (mostly Russian) will raise boards similar to this then give up the turn with most of his bluffs. Make a note and move on
Idk. Seems like a pretty awful hand to call a raise with knowing nothing about villain. I think I'd feel much better with KQcc and thus still have a pretty wide defending range here. But lets say we call a raise with this, how do you then proceed on a 8-T or a J-K if he keeps betting?
If he has a bluff, I don't really expect him to give up turn ui very often because I'm sure he expects me to b/c a ton of A highs and weak pairs he wants to continue putting pressure on. And even if I am ahead, this low pair has very little SDvalue by the river and if I make it to SD I expect to still lose quite frequently..
Yes, I'm fully aware that in theory b/f'ing such a big part of my range is exploitable but a) I doubt the avg villain is going to do so at these stakes and b) even if this specific guy is, I'll recognize it super quickly and can adjust accordingly. c) On the other hand, we run the risk of making a pretty big mistake by defending too wide if villain is weighted towards value.
I'm torn too but all these seem like valid concerns to me.
Vs unkown Im cbet/folding this board. I'd rather have some OC + bd to cb/call than A3 tbh. I think if villain is so agrresive to bluff this kind of boards, he's going to bluff on over cards on later streets, so we'll have to fold anyway and waste more money.
If I have a info, that he is a little too passive on later streets, than cb/calling flop is fine.
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