A on the river w/QQ
Posted by curvafb
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Low Stakes
A on the river w/QQ
Hello everybody, What do you think about this spot ? How would you play on the river and why ? If I am bet on the river . I will be commit if he re-raise all in.. if I check, call is profitable when he bets ? I am not sure..
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I would propably just X/F this river.
All AJ/AT in his range (24 combos), then like 10 combos of AXs in clubs and spades? Its a lot.
We need him to bluff like 10combos and its a bit hard to find these with Qs/Qc blocked and also on this board where so many things have showdown equity.
Add a bb to 3-bet, flop can be c/c some % of time, I'd 1/2 pot flop is cb-ing,
C/c-ing turn could be option. As played a fold. The poster above brings up a very good point
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