99 v weak player. Good idea to check turn?

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99 v weak player. Good idea to check turn?

Villan is a weak player. Flop is standard. Ott I tanked a little, I thought about checking because the 4 interacts better with his range, but another bet cant be that bad. When he shoves I didnt had any info that he spews and I folded. What do you think?


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RaoulFlush 4 years, 1 month ago

Imo this is wp.
Limp/call in ep is basically the most passive move possible in prefloppoker.
Its not always like that, but mostly these players are postflop as passive as preflop.
Thats why i prefer your line to XC or even XR OTT.
Im simply too scared to loose value even though his range interacts good with this turn.
Once we get raised, we have kind of an easy fold vs this guy i guess.

zinom1 4 years, 1 month ago

Raise bigger pre. Folding turn seems good as it is the bottom of your overpair range. For AA is a much better call because it blocks A5 and has more equity vs flushdraws.

Kuduku 4 years, 1 month ago

I think that preflop is pretty standard solid sizing against a limper. We could even lose EV if we raise bigger preflop. But I guess that is up for debate and I have an open mind.

Flop is pretty good for us, and I would cbet a polar range, therefore I would like to see a slightly larger c-bet sizing - somewhere around pot. 2/3 pot is too small.

Turn we can go either way but against a loose-passive player I think I prefer betting - again for somewhere around pot setting up for a nice river jam. But definitely folding if he decides to come over the top.
While I can see myself check-calling turn, I don't like the idea of check-raising this specific combo.

So aside from some bet-sizing complaints that might just be bias from my personal preference I think the hand is well played, and I would play it about the same.

HawksWin 4 years, 1 month ago

He can easily have all sets. He has some A5. He has some 65s. Some fish have 44 here. Some fish have traps here. This is he value range that gets to turn. What does the rest of his continue range look like? Combo Draws/Pair+FD/Naked FD's with 2 overs/Naked FD's with 1 over.

I play a different and unique pool but the strategy I have been using here is betting smaller on the flop with the non-heart 9's and, if I choose to start to bet bigger, I would use the combos with the 9h. We never turn a set when he turns a flush. This also goes along with how powerful our turned set is since it never closes a straight.

As played, seems fine. I just size down flop some (especially with this combo of 99).

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