99 get raised flop 10NL
Posted by Alex Geiger
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Alex Geiger
posted in
Low Stakes
99 get raised flop 10NL
BN: $13.39
SB: $16.22
BB: $10
HJ: $10.06 (Hero)
CO: $10.32
SB: $16.22
BB: $10
HJ: $10.06 (Hero)
CO: $10.32
CO: 21/15/3,7 Raise Cbet IP: 17 (12) (722 hands)
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $0.30, CO calls $0.30, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
Hero raises to $0.30, CO calls $0.30, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds
(2 Players)
Hero bets $0.47,
CO raises to $1.08,
Hero calls $0.61
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt
59,400 games 0.000 secs 11,880,000 games/sec
Board: 8s 8c 5h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.707% 52.71% 00.00% 31308 0.00 { 9c9s }
Hand 1: 47.293% 47.29% 00.00% 28092 0.00 { QQ, TT, AQs, A8s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T8s, 86s+, KQo }
I think He either has airs and few 8x SC type hands. I gave him QQ-TT, because He expects me to call with small pocket pairs.
I don't think AQo raises, because just AQs can improve to a flushdraw on the turn, and barrel again. Maybe AQo just floats and bets if I give up OTT. That's why I gave him airs weighted towards Kx.
59,400 games 0.000 secs 11,880,000 games/sec
Board: 8s 8c 5h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.707% 52.71% 00.00% 31308 0.00 { 9c9s }
Hand 1: 47.293% 47.29% 00.00% 28092 0.00 { QQ, TT, AQs, A8s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T8s, 86s+, KQo }
I think He either has airs and few 8x SC type hands. I gave him QQ-TT, because He expects me to call with small pocket pairs.
I don't think AQo raises, because just AQs can improve to a flushdraw on the turn, and barrel again. Maybe AQo just floats and bets if I give up OTT. That's why I gave him airs weighted towards Kx.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
CO bets $1.45,
Hero calls $1.45
This is the point where I disappointed. Knowing I put him on a range polarised between 8x / strong pp-s and total airs which tending to Kx, this card improved his range ultimately. However his sizing looks like it's a valuebet, I should fold here.
Should I fold flop? Does my thread correct OTF - OTT?
Thank You!!
Should I fold flop? Does my thread correct OTF - OTT?
Thank You!!
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
CO checks
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fold flop is good
this is one of the sick moment in holdem on flop:you have good hand but you are OOP and vilian can do your life miserable,if you wanna see showdown:you fold many times agains bluff and many times you call down agains better hand ,it is almoust no way how be +EV in this spot agains good player
is 3,7 his 3B% or Aggression? If first i guess folding is an option due to the fact that he might play TT/JJ this way...
But therefore he raises 17% CB i would usually calldown....he´s repping a very narrow Valuerange then....
3,7 is his 3bet %. Kx definitely not the best turn card, because there aren't almost any Kx I could play bet/call on the flop and his flop bluff-raising range contains many Kx Imo.
Hey Alex, why do you give him QQ? I'm assuming an aggro player like he seems 3bets QQ all the time, his bluff raising contains some Kx, but it also contains 76 and stuff that has a gutshots or even something like A5ss and he's just spewing you giving the old range of brodeway heavy, but what makes me so incline to call, besides the high cb raise, is the fact that he made such a small reraise making it look more like a very bad draw then a value hand, then he bets half pot and shuts down on the river when a almost blank came (not sure if this is to be discuted too), i think calling flop is fine cause of the sizing, turn i can see a call or a fold, its close
I would not give him QQ,TT from my experience a raise on such a board is pretty polarised.
Something like: 8x,55 for value, some 67 and some bluffs w backdoordraws, TJhh,QJhh etc
Vs this player, who seems to be capable to bluff this board i dont mind to call flop call turn re-ev rvr.
It can get really tough when he barrels off tho. I just think 99 is too strong to fold flop with vs this villain.
I mean i cbet/fold all my air, pp<77. Then continue w decent 5x (esp w BDdraws) then 99+
Then fold turn w my 5x when not improved and prob call the rest also cause this is such a good barrel card for him.
Anyway i think this hand is wp.
Thanks for the discussions, this hand seems pretty much close for almost anybody, and folding on different streets depending on different perspectives.
Looks good. Villian is tight pre-flop, and there is only one 89s combo left. He may or not flat A8s here. There is also a decent chance he doesn't raise trips on the flop yet.
Him raising small makes me pretty confident this is a bluff with overs, or maybe a gutshot. Maybe one of those see-where-I-am-at bets.
Turn is a call as well. He could bluffraise a hand like KQ and now bet the turn, but he has so many other combos of overs, and the gutshots.
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