99 4 way
Posted by Jeff_
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Low Stakes
99 4 way
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
BN: $90.35
SB: $137.93
BB: $100.00
UTG: $101.50
MP: $135.91
CO: $107.98 (Hero)
SB: $137.93
BB: $100.00
UTG: $101.50
MP: $135.91
CO: $107.98 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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BB reg(tag not much info), SB reg or rec, BTN clearly rec.
Flop is debatable, I was thinking between check or betting bigger. Think my size gives them very good price with draws and in general we
shouldn't be active 4 way.
Turn standard size for me with some strong pairs, draws and overpairs
River I think he has ~15 teen combos of 4x. Not sure what his calling range look like but should be A9, A5,53, 33... Can't imagine him having worse than those or call
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I’d bet. He can call lighter than that if he decides you’re overbluffing which is possible with 67s, 78s, 68s, and clubs as pretty natural bluffs.
Hello, I think you can comfortably check this one back unless you have a specific read on villain. I don't see them getting to the river on this board with many combos that are going to call and that you beat. Maybe some Axc but there aren't going to be many combos that are going to be calling your turn bet that can call 3 betting streets from you. A9c makes the most sense to call but that's about it.
Just my opinion. Happy New Year.
Not a lot to get value from on that river but he probably does have a few calls that you beat. I expect sets to raise turn with the clubs/wheel draws. A9 is one combo, A5 is two combos, TT I guess once in a while and JJ maybe once in a while. In my pool when I get raised here I am almost alwayts beat. I can't blame you for checking back or even betting something like $12 to $15.
I m checking back river as well, not ot many combo s left that will call river bet
i personally raise the turn bigger
Huh? Why so many?
While we lose to any 4x, I also don't think villain has 4x so often OTR that we can't bet. (And after 4x and AA, we have the nuts.)
44,54,94,34, some A4,64.
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