89s sb vs co 4b 2x
Posted by hardsinx
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Low Stakes
89s sb vs co 4b 2x
villain 1.2k hands 4 bet co 31% (13)
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Pretty shit spot, but he's also 10bb short so he's very unlikely to ever bluff and we have fewer implied odds since stacks are short + OOP, fold is fine. nh
Yeah, id call at unknown 100bb tho, even if this its not huge diffrence.
Id also call it versus any weaker opponent tbh. And it seems like he's one. Getting 24% potodds its just too good to fold any suited hand that you are 3betting linearly, i think.
Playing with likely recreational player at BB its should be also just a fine call preflop.
Yeah this seems like a trivial call to me. CO still has at least 50bbs behind. This is generally a hand that will either flop big or go home, so it shouldn't be too tough post flop.
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