89s oop vs fishy player
Posted by urak
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Low Stakes
89s oop vs fishy player
Imagine the situation, it is really simple:
You open from the CO with 89s, fishy player on the button calls, blinds folds you are HU with the fish. You don't know much about him, but you have 20-30 hands on him and you see that his stats is like 40/12 kind of a loose passive fish.
Flop: AK2ss.
Basicly a pure FD on a dry board.
My play here is to cbet the flop, but when the fish calls and turn is a blank I think the fish dont fold anything. I mean not much... In my opinion he can call on the flop something like any Ax, K9+, K2s+, 33-QQ, FDs and gutshots. On the turn he will fold his 3rd pairs without FD, maybe sometimes his weak 2nd pairs and thats all. So I dont have much fold equity here.
All the same I usually fire the 2nd and give up on the river when i miss.
Where Im wrong?
What is your thought process in this spot?
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Villain dependent. Typically against unknown passive fish who are stationey I'd reserve my bets to be more value based. Don't bother bluffing a fish. Not worth your time or EV unless you're soul reading
So you flop a flush draw? I don't think there is anything wrong with double barreling, but wouldn't fire a 3rd barrel on a blank against a fish. As david says above, no need to bluff these guys, and his range by river will have a lot of Ax that won't fold.
Do you think the 2nd barrel is good even if villain will fold so small part of his range?
The 2nd barrel can certainly fold out flop floats like Qx, mid pocket pairs, and maybe even Kx.
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