87s SB against HJ open vs T8s CO open against btn 3 bet.
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Mid Stakes
87s SB against HJ open vs T8s CO open against btn 3 bet.
In the first hand below hero decided to fold the SB vs a 2.2x open vs HJ.
In the second hand below hero decided to call the 3 bet with T8s 3bb open vs 9bb 3bet.
Why does hero hero choose to play a bloated pot oop with a 1 gap SC T8s and not play a smaller pot with more implied odds with 87s? I can't wrap my head around putting in 6 additional bb with T8s and not an additional 1.7bb in the SB, or not 3 betting 87s in that spot. Both hands are oop, I just think playing a smaller pot is more beneficial and allows more post flop play. Can someone @Saulo Ribeiro explain this to me?
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