65s vs flop raise.

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65s vs flop raise.

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) BN: $22.59
SB: $6.04
BB: $8.78
UTG: $5.74
MP: $11.15
CO: $8.44 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is CO with 6 5
UTG raises to $0.15, MP folds, Hero raises to $0.45, BN calls $0.45, 2 folds, UTG calls $0.30
I think 65s is a good hand to have in my 3bet bluff range.
Flop ($1.42) 5 A 3
UTG checks, Hero bets $0.54, BN raises to $1.65, UTG folds, Hero raises to $7.99 and is all in, BN calls $6.34
I could be convinced to not cbet this board however I feel like my range is quite strong on this texture (I have all AK AQ AJ AT and 55 33) so I decided to turn my pair of 5s into a bluff here, and I can continue barreling on 7x 6x 5x 4x Ax Kx turns. However once BN raises me here I'm not sure what he has cause I block one of his value hands (55). My shove is on the spewy side and I could be convinced it's a bad play.My biggest question in this hand is what kind of hands is BN raising me with?

My biggest question in this hand is what kind of hands is BN raising me with? I'd appreciate some feedback!


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sauloCosta10 9 years, 1 month ago

He could have slow played AA, 55, 33, A3s, A5s and some flush draws like KsQs, KsJs. He could have some strong Ax too, like AQs and AK that decided to raise vs your small bet. The more fish he is the more is likely that he has those hands. A good reg probably won't have many of these hands except AA and AK sometimes, but even AA I think will a be 4-bet most of the time. You obviously can't shove this hand after a raise simply because you have no fold equity and very little equity when called.

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

Hm at these stakes I generally wouldn't expect to see AA because that would have 4bet preflop since preflop I'm generally pretty strong 3betting UTG and a lot of players at these stakes will click back AA. 33 I think would have to fold preflop? Same with A3s A5s 55 and and the main thing is I block his 5x hands. I'm not sure he would raise AQ when I can have AK. AK is plausible. I agree fish can have your written range however I don't have any specific reads on this player and even though it's a 25 hand sample, I think a 21/17/17 leads me to believe he's a reasonable player. While my flop play is spewy I think I was looking to flip or be a slight dog against most flush draws and even if he does call with those one pair hands I have 25%~. He can have 33 but like I said I think that would fold preflop more often then not.

I appreciate your feedback!

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Like the three bet, not the CB.
I mean this in the nicest possible way, flop looks spew y.... ;D

My biggest question in this hand is what kind of hands is BN raising me with? I'd appreciate some feedback!

33, 55, two pair, FD's , 22, 44 ( maybe) Some Ax some % of time.
When you three bet you fold out his weaker draws ( if he has any) and he continues with a very strong range.
Just C/C flop, your hand is plenty strong enough. And when we C/C we go up against a much wider range of TP+, FD's, GS's, BDFD's (2 and 1 card) vs two pair+ , FD's , maybe a gutter here and there ( but doubtful)
As played fold to btn's raise of your CB.

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

Haha I agree it's spewy, I won't try to discuss it too much however I just wanted to discuss his flop raising range.

Like I said above wouldn't 33 fold preflop? And I block his 5x hands, A3 I'm sure would fold preflop.

I agree I think I should have check called when I think about it however at the time I felt my hand was quite weak and I had such a strong range, I feel like I'm going to get a lot folds on this flop, like I feel players will fold 66-99 maybe even TT-JJ, and if they fold 2 overs I feel like that's perfect. However I feel x/c is probably best after looking back at it.

I appreciate your feedback!

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Probably right and could weight the crap out of them, we have no reads on him and it is 5nl. I wouldent be surprised to see any of those hands here.
We have no reads on the btn cold caller?
I agree with A3, A3s maybe....

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

Ah yeah. And yeah I don't really have any reads other then I would assume he's a reasonable player. Overall I think I should just not make such fancy plays at 5NL haha

Disharmonist 9 years, 1 month ago

So what are you hoping for by shvoing? flipping against QKss best case when villain can have enough AK in his x/raising range being deeper?

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

I feel he would probably 4 bet AK more often then not, and at the time I felt strongly he had something KQss QJss AJss etc, and I wouldn't really know which high cards to call down on so I decided to just put the money in here.

Overall I said above I should've b/f this flop.

I appreciate your feedback!

Disharmonist 9 years, 1 month ago

I would also c-bet given that our SDV doesnt really matter, we might get villain to fold out some better PP and if not we still can hit 2pair or trips OTT, plus, we protect our hand against QK hands that still have plenty of EQ- we have a tough time calling turn leads anyway, probably will have to fold, so I turn this hand into a bluff.

Disharmonist 9 years, 1 month ago

A high flops are generally better for the aggressor . You should have more nutcombos unless villain calls suited Axoop all the time, which would be a bad defense strategy,imo.

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

Calling 3bets with suited aces is generally good for UTG. And in this situation he's getting good pot odds to call.

If BN was calling with Ax suited that's probably not so good since UTG will 4bet here sometimes and then I will get it in sometimes and sometimes the blinds will 4bet.

robinfromthehood 9 years, 1 month ago

KatonBond, what's the logic for AX suited being a good hand to flat vs a 3bet when UTG? Curious to hear your thoughts - I struggle with 3b defence ranges!

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

There was an old video that Phil Galfond did that explained you can defend a tight 4bet range with A8s. That video is old however the math is still relevant and I don't see why you can't scale it back to a 3bet. Also if you do a calculation, I think we generally get the right immediate odds to call a 3bet with a lot of Axs. The main problem why some people wouldn't however is because it's hard to realize all the equity being OOP. So if you trust your post flop abilities I think calling Axs to 3bet is fine, since your ace will be good vs TT-KK, you can potentially win a big pot if they are three betting suited broadways, and your x card is good vs AK AQ AJ. You suffer minor implied odds however it's not like you'll lose your whole stack when it comes when you have A7s and the flop is A Q 8 and villain bets flop and turn huge.

robinfromthehood 9 years, 1 month ago

Makes sense! Interesting idea as the majority of my flatting range is PPs. I guess they're not too dissimilar - you can call on plenty of boards (ones with <= 1 overcard generally), not be stuck to your hand if the villain bombs the turn and can also win big pots when you flop a set.

Do you think a mix of Ax and PPs would make sense for a 3bet flatting range?

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

My flatting range depends on where I open and whose 3betting me and also the villain, however I think adding suited broadways to your flatting range wont hurt. Sometimes you can flat things like AQo AJo KQo if your opening in late position. I generally fold 55> to a 3bet sometimes if I think they have a lot of bluffs.

Chael Sonnen 9 years, 1 month ago

This is a bit spewy and unnecessary. When he cold calls a CO 3bet with no money invested, his range should be pretty strong, assuming he is not a fish.

I would mostly give up on the flop, as your hand has few backdoors potential to bluff with, and the A hits his range hard, and you won't get him to fold TT-AA to one bet.

Once he raises after you have made two strong moves and are entirely uncapped, you absolutely have to fold. His range is really strong, and this is one of the worst hands you have in this spot, so there is no need to play back.

robinfromthehood 9 years, 1 month ago

Couple of questions...

We're entirely uncapped = the top of our range is the nuts (or pretty much the nuts, ignoring 42). Is that right? Just not clear on what that means!

When you say there's no need to play back because we have one of the worst hands we can have, are you saying that we should be bluffing here (the limited % of the time we should actually be bluff 3betting) with hands that are better than 54s but would still otherwise be a fold to the raise?.

I'd be kinda interested to see what our best bluffing hands would be here.

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

I agree it's spewy however I think I block half his value range (blocking 55) which is why I jammed+ I think he would 4bet AK more often then not so overall I did not think he could have much in this spot. However like I said above I think I'll tend to stay away from fancy plays at micro stakes.

I wouldn't agree to giving up OTF because I have all AT AJ AQ AK in my range, and sure he won't fold TT-KK to one bet however I have many good turn barreling cards (2, 4, 5, 6, 7) to keep barreling and bluff him off those types of hands and also generally speaking if he had something like ATs AJs I think it would be reasonable to fold that OTT.

Thanks for your feedback!

taaazz 9 years, 1 month ago

This is a spew imo. :D

I would XB and realize my equity. I wouln't go too crazy with my bluffs @ Ahigh vs UTG + caller.
I don't think people are gonna fold good Ax at these stakes.

As played, I don't get this. You rep a very strong range, he raises into that range, there are no draws - what are you expecting to see here?

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

As played, I don't get this. You rep a very strong range, he raises into that range, there are no draws - what are you expecting to see here?

For the drool when you spew ;D

KatonBond 9 years, 1 month ago

I agree i don't have much fold equity OTF but like I said in the OP I have many good turn barreling cards to get him off TT-KK and weak Ax.

The main draw here is flush draw and weird 33 44, so I was hoping to see those. However like I said above I think I will stay away from spewy plays at micros.

Thanks for for feedback!

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