64s Combo Draw trainwreck hand, help
Posted by yellimao
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Low Stakes
64s Combo Draw trainwreck hand, help
Hey there, I've played this hand yesterday on local 0,25/0,50 home game Live and I have serious doubs on the road I took
We on the blind with a struddle there's an OR EP vil1 overall competent player, but seen spew before, he opens we call alongside other 2 guys with one-gapper suited connect, flop gutshot + flushdraw gets checked to the open raiser he cbets, 1 fold then we raise to 27 I just want to see if he's cbetting everything or nah, other fold he calls, turn is a 9 I just hated that card I don't know why but I see him having himself plenty that just gives him more equity and that he won't fold, so I just checked, he bets and I call so I can see a river and evaluate, I didn't want to bet like 50, he calls then bad card I have to jam only praying cuz I don't see no fold there and we ain't ahead of nothing. River is a ten and I just check/folded vs his jam and he claims he had Q8ss so did I just got myself on a spewtard festival with this hand? I wanted to flop the world, I did and got myself in a tough spot where I end up loosing 100bbs on a 0,25/0,50 boosted game with struddles even though its still NL50.
Just want help on fixing my line of thinking here in this hand, if I can provide anything else, please
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (7 Players)
BN: $51.01
SB: $25.00
BB: $160 (Hero)
UTG: $140 Struddle
UTG+2: 150
MP: $37.94
CO: $85
($1.75) Hero is BB with 6s4s
UTG+2 raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, Hero calls $3.50, UTG calls $3.50
($14.25) Js 7d 3s
Hero checks, UTG check, UTG+1 bets $11, 1 fold, Hero raises to $27, 1 fold, UTG+1 calls
($68.25) Js 7d 3s 9c
Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $28, Hero calls
($124.25) Js 7d 3s 9c Tc
Hero checks, UTG+1 ships 90$, Hero folds
Did I just spew like a monkey? Please help me clarify myself thanks inb4 total spewtard comment
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Yes, you did.
I would just call the flop and then call the turn.
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