5NL Zoom - bet/fold or check/call this river?

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5NL Zoom - bet/fold or check/call this river?

BN: $8.44
SB: $4.40
BB: $7.61
UTG: $5.59
HJ: $15.94
CO: $5.09 (Hero)
BTN was playing 24/12 (small sample size)
Not folding to many cbets, but not very aggressive postflop.
WTSD of 33%, WWSF of 22%
Preflop ($0.07) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A J
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $0.15, BN calls $0.15, SB folds, BB calls $0.10
Flop ($0.47) 3 8 T (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.30, BN calls $0.30, BB calls $0.30
Should I be betting a little bigger on the flop?
Turn ($1.37) 9 (3 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.05, BN calls $1.05, BB folds
River ($3.47) 9 (2 Players)
BTN called flop and turn pretty quickly - with this card on the river, should I be bet/folding or check/calling?
With this kind of player, who seemed pretty straight-forward, I wouldn't be surprised if he/she is raising almost all flushes on the turn.



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iMRUSh 12 years, 2 months ago
Yes i think, i like more a bigger bet on the flop with nut FD+2oc (but most of the time min. 12 outs), and its a little bit more balanced because, with strong made hands you probably bet bigger on the flop, also more FE u have with a bigger betsize. So if you bet maybe ~ 0,38 on the flop, on the turn the pot size is 1,53, and with a strong hand u want maximum value, with the nuts u want to play for stack, so u have to figure out how u can put the whole money in, and micro stakes probably the best way to get it in, to bet. So u can bet to the bigger pot on the turn maybe 1,25, and than u can shove the river. Rarely maybe he's got the nuts. But i think c/c is not an option vs a passive player, or someone without reads, because he can ch back weaker hands, b smaller and fold i dont thinks so, if u bet less u got far more calls than shove it, ch/f also not an option i think your hand is too strong for that. In a worst case scenario maybe put him on the river this range. Some psychological reasons maybe he can't fold T8 on the river show too., or he can't fold a JT. And with 24/12 big gap vpip pfr, sample size small, but maybe he most like preflop call a wide range in position vs a bet.

[FONT=courier new][SIZE=12]
[b]Asztal: [/b]3:spade:T:club:8:club: 9:club: 9:diamond:
[b]       Részesedés   Nyert  Osztozás[/b]
[b]CO   [/b]      50.00%  50.00%     0.00% { AcJc }
[b]BU   [/b]      50.00%  50.00%     0.00% { TT-88, 33, QJs, J9s, T9s, 98s, KcQc, 7c6c, QJo }

If you can put in his range, more weaker flushes for example (4c3c), or any weaker hands. Your odds more better than that. So i think u can go to that, without more information, and with the turn plan to get it in that. And notice the information what u earn. Sry for my english, is preety weak! GL

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