5NL Z: Turned 2 pair facing 2 dbets
Posted by unload3r
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Low Stakes
5NL Z: Turned 2 pair facing 2 dbets
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $6.40
SB: $5.35
BB: $5.23
UTG: $8.12
MP: $6.57
CO: $7.64 (Hero)
SB: $5.35
BB: $5.23
UTG: $8.12
MP: $6.57
CO: $7.64 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
, , ,
Final Pot
wins and shows two pair, Aces and Fives.
BB wins $4.50
Rake is $0.20
BB wins $4.50
Rake is $0.20
Villain had Ad5d
No stats.
Should I have raised the turn as there aren't many favorable rivers and we are ahead of a large part of his donking range {Ax, Axs, BW draws} and only losing to 22, AJ, A2, A8.
-If I raise the turn, should I be stacking off vs a shove or folding?
On the river, Im pretty sure I should just fold here as he is repping Flush and sets. I think its actually pretty surprising that we ran into A5s here, but the bad play was us calling OTR.
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Pretty clear valueraise on the Turn, people usually don't defend 22 vs 3x CO OR and JJ and AA is a 3bet for most.
So it remains AJ A8 but AJ is unlikely given you block it and A8s is just a really small part of his range.
River is unfoldable without any reads because he could be blockbetting with some weak Ax or maybe pure bluffing.
You can fold this preflop especially if you 3x. It is close but at 5nl the rake is high and I recommend to focus on solid basics first untill you crush like 10nl atleast.
yeah I would fold this if players to call are unknown or regs, prolly would raise if there's two nits behind though, not a horrible line to raise tho borderline i think
as played
at first I thought a raise ott wasn't good without reads since we're not sure what type of hands he would do this with but seeing it better we're only afraid of 22 since aces probably raise pre and we have the blockers for JJ and probably raise pre too, so that leaves AJ and A8 which we have blockers against so, yes I do like a raise ott since he range has more aces and flush draws than anything else assuming he's not totally clueless
as played is hard to fold otr without reads I think some people may still show some weird ace, KJ, etc
Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad to know I'm on the right track with my line of thought.
I felt like I should fold otr... It just seemed like such a gross spot and my standard thought whenever I'm in a gross spot is that I must've made a mistake prior to it.
Is there ANY case for turning my hand into a bluff otr? The reason I say this is bc J8 is one of the worst 2pairs I could have in this spot and its pretty hard for villain to call with a large part of his triple barrel range here. Could be FPS leaking in but I'm interested to know what you guys think?
Thanks for the help
not really since we aren't sure we're beat otr
I think he will call with almost everything that beat us (except maybe for his actual hand which is tiny part of his range) and fold what we beat though if we decide to find a reason to raise
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