5NL: Sb Squeeze x BN rock.
Posted by MarkGomes
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Low Stakes
5NL: Sb Squeeze x BN rock.
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BB: $5.75 (Hero)
UTG: $5.00
MP: $5.21
CO: $6.04
BN: $6.19
SB: $4.61
UTG: $5.00
MP: $5.21
CO: $6.04
BN: $6.19
SB: $4.61
BN: Tight-Passive - Rock.
Hero is BB with
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- My size squeeze should be bigger?
- When the BN 4bet, for me the range him is very closed. JJ+, AQs+
- When the BN 4bet, for me the range him is very closed. JJ+, AQs+
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- The villian is very tight. It played little hands. And the showdown always has value.
On this type the vilian and he size cbet I put him in AA, KK, AK value and AQ bluff, but I have AK then I block this ranges.
44 and 22 don't has in your range. I think that he don't cbet QQ and JJ. Right?
On this type the vilian and he size cbet I put him in AA, KK, AK value and AQ bluff, but I have AK then I block this ranges.
44 and 22 don't has in your range. I think that he don't cbet QQ and JJ. Right?
- I found it strange that check it based on the range that I'm building, which leaves me just bluffing here.
- I opted for the check to let him bluff, but because he was tight-passive I should have bet, since these guys hardly bluff here.
- What do you think of the ranges and how do I play against this kind of OOP villain?
- What do you think of the ranges and how do I play against this kind of OOP villain?
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Sizing might be to big even. I would go for standard 3x his sizing maybe. You are making bigger sizing vs a guy which range is strong and he can easily 4bet you. So you are losing more money betting bigger and you don't necessarily get more folds with bigger sizing. VS tight opponents go for lower sizing and vs loose-passive go bigger with value hands.
I think I would;ve 5betted in those positions.
I think that he can definitely cbet JJ or QQ for one and done. You are underrepping your hand imo he can think you missed and are on some lower pocket pair. If he check the turn you have valuebet on the river imo. Make sizing smaller and let pockets call.
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