5NL: QQ from BB facing 5b Shove vs CO
Posted by SetMineUrAss
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Low Stakes
5NL: QQ from BB facing 5b Shove vs CO
Winning Poker Network (Yatahay) - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4: http://www.pokertracker.com
CO: $5.15 (VPIP: 50.00, PFR: 25.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 9)
BTN: $4.30 (VPIP: 20.00, PFR: 10.00, 3Bet Preflop: 20.00, Hands: 20)
SB: $5.00 (VPIP: 40.91, PFR: 28.79, 3Bet Preflop: 7.69, Hands: 68)
Hero (BB): $5.19
UTG: $13.24 (VPIP: 27.59, PFR: 24.14, 3Bet Preflop: 10.00, Hands: 29)
MP: $5.37 (VPIP: 25.00, PFR: 16.67, 3Bet Preflop: 50.00, Hands: 12)
SB posts SB $0.02, Hero posts BB $0.05
Pre Flop: (pot: $0.07) Hero has Qc Qs
fold, MP raises to $0.17, CO raises to $0.40, fold, fold, Hero raises to $1.36, fold, CO raises to $5.15 and is all-in, Hero ???
Villain is loose preflop but displays a willingness to only stack off with a monster. Small sample and I obviously can't be very sure about his tendencies. After I make the 4bet, and face this 5b shove, would you call it?
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You can only fold if you have a big sample size that tells you otherwise. It's a standard call and that will happen to you many more times.
What would he be 5bet shoving over my 4b sizing with? AKo, AKs, AQs, AQo, KK, AA. Would you really consider his range to be any wider? Considering pop tendencies, a 5b shove with JJ would be somewhat unlikely.
I would have had a plan of action before I made the cold 4bet. Against KK+ and all combos of AK (suited or not) you are 60/40 and have a break evenish call (including rake). This assumes he is shoving all the offsuit combos.
I think you can size it down some if you plan is to 4b/fold. $1.05 or $1.10 perhaps. These spots are always tough with Queens. I think I would approach this as them both being unknowns since there are 9 hands on one and 12 hands on the original raiser.
I am not convinced 4b/folding is the right course of action so I think with the odds given you have to make a crying call.
That was my first thought also.
I don't think QQ makes a very good cold 4-bet bluff candidate. If I'm 4-betting w/QQ here, I'm planning to call a shove. KQ/AQ would make much better bluffs in this spot.
I basically did have a plan of action - 4b/fold. At this point, I simply cannot play a fluid game on this network. Whatever the case may be, making money there has been the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in my life. I'm just going to deposit on a rec network again as I know that getting QQ in here is the right play but yet I also know that I'd lose to AQs, AKo/s, AA, KK, or a set of TTT. It's not a mental leak - it's just what I know after years of taking hands on that site. I have to make folds here I wouldn't make elsewhere.
I agree totally SetMineUrAss…...WPN is a tough site and full of regs.
If you're convinced it's rigged, why play on that network?
You can't be sure with that with just 9 hands! Call it, you have 40.2% equity against QQ+ and AK, and your pot odds are (5.15-1.36)/(5.15+5.15+0.02) = 36.7%
With 100bb deep your 4bet range should be made of value hands (4bet / call shove) and bluffs (4bet / fold shove). There's nothing wrong putting QQ in your bluff 4bet range, if population or opponent stacks off with better, but:
1) you have to be very sure about thiss
2) if you're sure, I think would be better to (cold) call the 3bet with QQ and put A5s and similar in your (cold) 4bet / fold range. Or KQ / AQ as round2 says, cause you block more premium combos.
round2 I didn't say anything about rigging anywhere in this thread, did I? Further, I've explained that I had BI's left on the site and am enjoying the challenge. You've read this which makes your post even more confusing.
I don't really care care about bots, rigging, etc right now - I'm trying to beat the games that are universally agreed to be inexplicably difficult starting @ 2NL, 5NL, and right on up.
Of course, as every single poker player who pays attention at all knows, WPN has had more evidence surrounding it when it pertains to botting, and more accusations of RNG rigging, collusion, and house players than any other site in 10 years. I do notice that discussion on a daily basis but as said: I can't do anything about whatever may be going on so I stopped worrying about it and just started trying to beat it.
I came back to poker recently after a 5 year break. I'm personally not in the loop regarding WPN and it's bot situation. Your post implied that it was rigged, at least that's how it sounded to me from this:
Didn't mean to offend by saying what I said.
round2 No worries. Just a word to the wise moving forward: If you are aware that you're totally unaware when it comes to a topic, you probably should do more reading and less writing. At least initially. I literally just stopped complaining about these sites days ago, sat down and have just been playing/studying with focus and then you come here and bring it back to rigging. It was just very bad timing.
I don't care about rigging and bots. I care about beating these games on principle at this point lol.
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