5NL-Hand Review- KQs 3-Bet leads to being dominated
Posted by 4betjamski
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Low Stakes
5NL-Hand Review- KQs 3-Bet leads to being dominated
SB: 234 BB
Hero (BB): 107.6 BB
UTG: 107.8 BB
MP: 74.6 BB
CO: 100.6 BB
BTN: 67.2 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Qc Kc
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) MP has Kd Ad
fold, MP raises to 3 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 10.6 BB, MP calls 7.6 BB
Flop : (21.6 BB, 2 players) Ks 6h 9s
Hero bets 8.4 BB, MP calls 8.4 BB
Turn : (38.4 BB, 2 players) 5s
Hero bets 18.4 BB, MP raises to 36.8 BB, Hero raises to 88.6 BB and is all-in, MP calls 18.8 BB and is all-in
River : (149.6 BB, 2 players) 3d
Hero shows Qc Kc (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 29%, Flop 14%, Turn 7%)
MP shows Kd Ad (One Pair, Kings)
(Pre 71%, Flop 86%, Turn 93%)
MP wins 142.2 BB
I ended up value owning myself. Is flatting a 3-Bet with AKs something to keep in players ranges at the Micro's? Also which street should I have slowed down on?
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Checking turn a decent frequency but seems fine although always worrying when we get min clicked and they leave little behind haha. In general dont give them AK just make notes on players you see doing this
i think its standard to flat some combos of AK as mp here
guy has 75 bb and min raised you with only another min raise behind, your never folding but your not thrilled about getting it in
you can bet smaller to get it on rivers, or check flop/turn, or jam turn yourself
its not bad to value own yourself on occasion, shows you are value betting thin enough which increases your winrate significantly
Hi GTO. There is a microstakes streamer who I follow on YouTube. He is not at the standard of a RIO pro but he is a decent winner at microstakes. Anyway, the guy pure calls with AK vs a 3-bet from most opponents in the SB or BB when he is UTG or MP. Do you think this is ok as a default strategy?
With AKo I think its absolutely fine and it is what I personally do as well. The differential between flatting and 4betting in turns of EV vs optimal SB/BB 3betting ranges is so small (<5%) you can justify flatting out of personal preference. Versus players that do not 3bet enough OOP, flatter seems like the better line anyway since you have less fold equity and AK is technically your bluffing hand when you 4bet. But overall, using a mixed strategy with AKo is a strong play supported by theory.
However with AKs the EV difference between 4betting and calling very significant (>100%). I can't justify flatting and missing out on tons of EV, so it must be pure 4bet preflop.
After AA, the next best hand to put into your 4betting range is AKs. But your friend is probably playing an exploitative style where opponents just put too much money in with AK/QQ/JJ/TT so he only 4bet/call with AA/KK. I can understand why he flats AK, but the EV he is losing out on preflop has to be transferred to boards where weak players can't fold their 2nd pairs in 3bet pots and go all the way with it (like QQ on A/K high boards) to justify not 4betting it preflop.
Flatting AK vs most positions beein IP should be a good exploit vs a pool that could be 3betting not enough.
But there is also a good theoretical reason to flat AK more often esp. vs BB.
In theory the BB gets 3bet more polar vs all positions and the correct answer vs this strategy is to 4bet more polar.
In this scenario AK becomes more of a call because BB will jam or fold more often vs your 4bet and AK has no incentive for this.
Flatting AK can be good for reasons like this hand precisely. Doesnt make your 3bt with this hand bad by any means though and its still good vs field.
But, your turn play is very bad EV-wise vs field. It depends on the opp whether to bet or x, but if you're going to bet its a bet-F by a long margin with no s in your hand
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