5NL 6max Zoom: How are my stats?

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5NL 6max Zoom: How are my stats?

I just finished my first 10k hands of zoom 5nl 6max. I am currently down 310BBs; some of that is due to me running 750 bbs below EV, some due to my BTN + blinds play.

Here they are:

Hands: 10988 bb/100: -2.80

VPIP: 23.4 PFR: 18.7 Agg%: 33.5 3b: 7.14 4bPremium: 30.6
WTSD%: 29.5 W$SD: 53.1 RiverCallEfficiency: 1.29
FlopCB: 47.2 (IP: 48.1, OOP: 46.2) TurnCB: 47.8 RivCB: 40

Pos: bb/100, VPIP, PFR, 3b, 4bPrem, WTSD/W$SD

UTG: 26.49, 12.7,12.7, NA, 50, 31.5/62.9
MP: 15.57, 14.1, 13.5, 5.34, 50, 33.3/55.8
CO: 29.57, 22.7, 19.8, 3.48, 25, 31.7/55.7
BTN: -0.11, 39.5, 34, 7.54, 7.69, 26.8/44
SB: -25.37, 28.8, 23, 8.72, 33.3, 31.2/50.1
BB: -65.73, 22.2, 7.0, 7.46, na, 27.3/58.5

Some things I am working on:
- tightening my 4b ranges up. I was stacking off pre flop with AK and JJ a lot - but what I have found is that these stakes players are RARELY gii with less than KK/AA, so i was owned a few times there.
- Less resteals from the blinds and more Postflop play by using a more value heavy 3b Rstl range and calling with a lot of SC's and pairs.
- 4b bluffing is something I have recently eliminated from my standard game unless I have a bulletproof read.
- My first 3-4k of hands I was playing waaaay too LAG and spewing off to players with tight ranges. I have really worked hard to improve and tighten up, as reflected in my last few 4-6k hands where my graph is really starting to smooth out and head upwards.

thanks for any help!


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sauloCosta10 9 years, 4 months ago

10k hands is nothing. You should play a lot more hands to get valuable information about your game. But two things about your stats really worried me: your winrate from BU and BB. I actually don't believe your true winrate from the button is negative, but this sample at least shows you are commiting some serious mistakes from that position. Also, you might be commiting a lot of mistakes from BB to have such a low winrate. Other considerations:

  • I think its definitely fine to stack off QQ+ and AK pre at 5nl;
  • To have or not a 4b bluffing range is something that is really villain dependent at 5nl, so I think you should be focusing on adjusting vs villain's type of player instead of removing completely a 4-bet range, specially vs SB, since people nowadays are 3-betting a lot from that position.
  • 3-bet ranges are also very player dependent at 5nl. There are a lot of weak tight players that fold a lot to 3-bets and also a lot of loose passive/fish that don't like folding to 3-bets. Again, you have to adjust accordingly.
  • I don't think you should tighten up. The player pool at 5nl is very bad, so you should be looking to play a lot of hands vs them postflop, not the other way around. You just have to be careful with aggression vs the wrong type of player. You can't just try to barrel off a station, but that does not mean you should avoid playing a lot of hands vs him.
unload3r 9 years, 4 months ago


  • I agree about focusing on player types and playing exploitative, however at 5nl zoom the pool is usually 400-700 players so it is difficult to get stats on anyone. Im lucky to have 50 hands on anyone. On this note, I seem to be running into a ton if very aggro russians and eastern europeans, and I am having trouble with them... i am taking notes as I play them bc they seem to have a very similar playstyle and I see many weird lines post flop and see a lot of value in figuring out a way to really out play these guys. any thoughts on those player types?
  • I have started click back 4b with a lot of my range (hence the 4bprem stats) including KK, AA, AK and some bluffs (KQo, KTs, A2-A5s) to try and exploit these thin 3b.
ValueTown 9 years, 4 months ago

Your not getting stats on opponents primarily because 10k hands isn't a big enough sample (as mentioned), there are plenty of players playing this in a day.

Your Cbet is pretty low (as mentioned above but i'll try to elaborate a bit) IP you should be cbetting aggressively vs some player types but i feel that perhaps you are playing too passively in general OTF. Players will be at the extremes vs Cbets, they either fold too much, float too much (this data converges pretty quickly) or outright reveal the strength of their holding by raising (you can look at your DB to see that players at 5nl overwhelming have TPGK+ when they raise flop). These tendencies should be easy to play against (you have to have your HUD set up properly) and you should see an improvement in your win-rate pretty quickly if you start by Cbetting slighty more of you value hands and high equity bluffs.

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