5b bluff micro

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5b bluff micro

hi all.

Could you pls tell me the stats or things i should consider to 5b bluff?

First of all, i know that the key in micro limits is to value bet our good hands and avoid bluff. But....there's always room for improvement, in particular vs regular players (that in general, should not be pretty solid since it is micro limits lol)

i guess i should not implement this vs recreational players, villans must not with are not ultra nit, high 4 bet (what is high?)......
any other things????????

the stats fold 5 bet is not an answer since i would need a really stupid big sample of this.

what is the minimum hand sample i should consider to trust in those stats??? i guess 2 k hands or more.......(i mean for 4bet).

if we can have a check list of 4 or 5 items would be excellent.

your opinion is more than welcome!!!!!!!!

best regards and happy working day tomorrow.


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ZenFish 7 years, 10 months ago

Don't 5B bluff at the micros, unless you have developed a strong read on an individual. They 4B too tight, and 5B bluffing just burns money.

In GTO-land the opener is supposed to 4B bluff around half the time vs your 3-bets. The pool doesn't.

Greed 7 years, 10 months ago

I'll 5bet jam light (AJ+;ATs+; 88+) vs the VERY FEW regs who habitually bluff 4bet me and only when it's around the blinds (BB vs SB, blinds vs CO to BTN) and where they both pfr wide and 4bet me wide and still do that with some caution (a.k.a. sometimes I don't) I don't do this 5bet jam as bluff but because these guys just habitually 4bet me wide from a wide starting hand range and it's possible I'm coin flipping often enough while usually taking down their ~24bb.

Against other positions and players, don't. In micros if they 4bet you, they usually have aces, sometimes kings, your bluff has very little equity against those hands. If it's around blinds and they're fighting back, still, they usually have AK or JJ+ and are commited, meaning, they won't fold to your 5bet jam and if your 5bet jam is a bluff, they're ahead.

Kuduku 7 years, 10 months ago

My DB for for 5nl-10nlz says player pool folds vs my 3bets around 40%.
So I don't even light 3bet anymore which helps with not having any 5b bluffs in my range.

Greed 7 years, 10 months ago

Gotta like and fav this comment, I've burned way too many buyins myself light 3betting and trying to save it with some wild bluffs, it's just not a working play at NL5 w/o having stats backing up high fold to 3bet to justify bluffing + safe blinds

masticlox 7 years, 10 months ago

I dont know, Scrimitzu (Crushthemicros on youtube) is 3betting like 12% or something and he has 15bb win rate at 10NL on 800k hands

Kuduku 7 years, 10 months ago

I dont know, Scrimitzu (Crushthemicros on youtube) is 3betting like 12% or something and he has 15bb win rate at 10NL on 800k hands

I don't know who he is but if he made $12'000 at 10nl zoom (+ rakeback) he's probably way better than me or even most people in the player pool that haven't moved up.
With that win rate I also assume he is much more competent than me post-flop and knows much better how to maneuver post-flop or exploit tendencies that loose callers have.

ZenFish 7 years, 10 months ago

My DB for for 5nl-10nlz says player pool folds vs my 3bets around 40%.
So I don't even light 3bet anymore which helps with not having any 5b bluffs in my range.

Too much of that defense is done by calling, which doesn't discourage 3-betting much. If they call a lot and play meekly post flop, 3-bet wide and linear and you'll do fine.

Micro players who have gotten it into their heads that they are supposed to flat every suited connector vs a 3B, also OOP, are bleeding a lot post flop. Because they're not Sauce.

Kuduku 7 years, 10 months ago

I went over to his YT channel and watched some of his coaching videos. Funny guy and brings some good humor to the game.
Noticed his last vid is 6 month ago so I'm assuming he stopped uploading new content. Nevertheless worth watching so thanks for the heads-up! :)

Kuduku 7 years, 10 months ago

Too much of that defense is done by calling, which doesn't discourage 3-betting much. If they call a lot and play meekly post flop, 3-bet wide and linear and you'll do fine.
Micro players who have gotten it into their heads that they are supposed to flat every suited connector vs a 3B, also OOP, are bleeding a lot post flop. Because they're not Sauce.

Thank you for this. Makes a lot of sense.
It's pretty crazy what people call 3bets with these days. I'm afraid I don't make them bleed enough postflop since I assume I am a bit too timid with my post-flop game and often don't bet often enough and with wrong choice of sizing. So I definitely need to work on that.

masticlox 7 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, just check him out i learnt a lot from this guy he is coaching players and uploads the sessions on youtube, exactly, his profit without rakeback was 9,800$,he also had something like 4,5bb on 50nl with 15 buy ins down on the EV, ....lol

Shadowfax 7 years, 10 months ago

Yes. Don't.

Haha, only kidding - to be honest, you shouldnt worry too much about 5bet bluffing at the micros. The only time I would ever do this would be if we have a villain who 4bet folds with a decent frequency.

I found that 25nl was the limit where 4b bluffing starts being a regular occurrence - nearly always in the Blind V Btn battles, so you need at some point to think about it.

So against an aggressive 4bettor otb my 5b jamming range will consist of pairs 88+ and a lot of Ax broadway hands which have good blockers.

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