5/5/10 live :call post with qq 3 way? can i justify a call ?
Posted by wreiza
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High Stakes
5/5/10 live :call post with qq 3 way? can i justify a call ?
SB : 1.2k
UTG1 : abt 2k odd
Hero: 3.5k
5/5/10 live
utg+1 opened 35 . MP(nit reg) raises to 140. i decided to flat QcQs on the HJ. SB (fairly tight straightforward player) overcalls. inital open folded.
FLOP : 4,5,9 s s x
MP c bets 250.. i flat and SB went all in for 500 more ( 750). MP tanks and flats with abt 800 behind.
Can i justify a call or is it always auto fold in that spot.
Thank you
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really depends what you make of sb's cold call range pre...if AA and KK are in it, combined with the fact that a "nit" reg 3b the EP open, i think you can even make a pretty strong argument for just folding the flop to the first $250. like, does MP even have JJ and TT in his range pre?...also would matter what type of player utg is, obv if hes some drooler that would matter
Th for the feedback. I was actually more concern the mp flat the jam with kks or aa bec i dont think sb will flat with kk n aa there.sb could have a fd (seen him flat akss before) . The idea was if i didnt hit my q .. i would fold if he bets into a side on the next street.
Anyway i called. Turn was a K. Check check.. river was 3. Mp bets 550 i folded
Sb qq
Mp kk
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