5/5/10 live :call post with qq 3 way? can i justify a call ?

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5/5/10 live :call post with qq 3 way? can i justify a call ?

SB : 1.2k
UTG1 : abt 2k odd
Hero: 3.5k

5/5/10 live

utg+1 opened 35 . MP(nit reg) raises to 140. i decided to flat QcQs on the HJ. SB (fairly tight straightforward player) overcalls. inital open folded.
FLOP : 4,5,9 s s x
MP c bets 250.. i flat and SB went all in for 500 more ( 750). MP tanks and flats with abt 800 behind.
Can i justify a call or is it always auto fold in that spot.

Thank you


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imawhale26 9 years, 11 months ago

really depends what you make of sb's cold call range pre...if AA and KK are in it, combined with the fact that a "nit" reg 3b the EP open, i think you can even make a pretty strong argument for just folding the flop to the first $250. like, does MP even have JJ and TT in his range pre?...also would matter what type of player utg is, obv if hes some drooler that would matter

wreiza 9 years, 11 months ago

Th for the feedback. I was actually more concern the mp flat the jam with kks or aa bec i dont think sb will flat with kk n aa there.sb could have a fd (seen him flat akss before) . The idea was if i didnt hit my q .. i would fold if he bets into a side on the next street.

Anyway i called. Turn was a K. Check check.. river was 3. Mp bets 550 i folded

Sb qq
Mp kk

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