5/10NL Live, tough spot was it the right play?
Posted by billybaroo
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Mid Stakes
5/10NL Live, tough spot was it the right play?
Need all you pros advice on this one,
Playing 5 handed in the wee hours in the morning, I am 1,700 effective and villain is 500 effective. He has been straddling for the past 6 orbits on my bb and has raised every time I limped in. I have not played back at him to this point, my plan is to ship it on him when I get a hand.
So, it's folded around to me in the bb and I have A10o..... I decided to limp and then shove if he raises. As usual he raises to 105, leaving him 400 behind. FYI, he has been raising this big everytime. I jam and he calls off with AdJd. He wins.
Was this the right play? I felt like I would be ahead most of the time, and given how tight I have been against him he would fold majority of the time.
Thoughts appreciated.
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Cant get one opinion?
It seems good if we are putting him on a range of any 2 cards. Just an unlucky break he showed up with a hand that strong.
Also you are $500 effective. It's the smallest stack to determine effective stacks.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Should be very +ev.. Ofc not very fun allways when he calls but u will pick up alot of dead moneys and do decent sometimes if he calls. WP ul timing
Thanks man!
Eliminate this problem by not limping vs straddle in the first place, no?
I'm all in!
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