$5/10 Villain

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$5/10 Villain

So, I was playing this guy HU across a bunch of tables at $5/10. He would cbet a lot double barrel a lot and check river a bunch. His turn bets seemed to be a lot of second pair or a pocket pair between second pair and top pair. He seemed when he bet the third time though he had it. He would rarely bet missed draws on the river (he would double barrel those and check river). So I had a hard time with hands like 97 on 852 rainbow and hands like q9 on j83 rainbow because typically I would call with those along with Jx 8x 3x. Issue was I would miss the turn and frequently face a bet again and unsure of what to do. Unsure of what to do to better realize my equity with these draws and also exploit his thinner turn bets, I was thinking it would make sense to call flop and raise turn with a lot of stronger hands as well some gut shots on these board textures. Do you guys think it makes sense to x/r turns or lead rivers as bluffs as well as value bets? I am used to players checking back turns and I can lead river when I miss and balance that with value bets. I also am used to seeing players triple barrel a lot. But this, was different and seems exploitable. The issue I had with x/r turns was it can get expensive if he flats a lot and I have to barrel rivers unsure of how strong he is. Thoughts?

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