$5/10 riverspot
Posted by Kempe4ever
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High Stakes
$5/10 riverspot
FI is obviously iso raising the fish wide but not as wide as he probably should as he plays a lot of tables.
No point in raising turn her ever? Not folding out any made hands and fold out hands we have beat. He cbets turn oop 65%.
At river he cbets oop 50%. He checkcalls 40%, checkfold 43% and checkraise 10%. Is it 2 sick 2 induce in this spot? He is most def gonna have us on small pocketpair if we make it ~ 160? He thinks we are gonna snap check back A high, check back hands like 34s etc. And i don't expect him 2 ever checkraise a valuehand on river as he expects us 2 make som noise previously in hand with draw hands that now missed. Or should we just checkback river considering our hand will be winning decent amout of time? I don't think he is good enough 2 turn something with sd value into a bluff like 66-99, AK etc.
Would be awesome if someone could just tell me what is right in this spot ;)
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As played, I think this is a pretty obvious spot where he checks to induce your bluff and then calls with like 90% of his range. Hearts missed and that is your most likely betting hand on the river(unless you flat overpairs on the flop as well) and he probably knows this. Just check it down and hope he was betting with worse Ace and a flush draw(or even worse draws) and that you are good now, you have enough showdown value to do it, and you never fold worse hand out.
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