5/10 $ NLHE Live Game Hand

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5/10 $ NLHE Live Game Hand

I wanted to share a hand i just played live yesterday to ask your opinions. Tried to convert hand but failed so writing down.

7 Handed 5/10$
UTG +1 (~ 1000 $ ) open raise 35 $
SB calls ( ~ 1500 $ )
BB ( HERO ) (~ 2500$ ) calls

Hero holds : 5h6h

FLOP pot : 105 $

7d 3h 9h

SB check
BB (Hero ) check - with the intension of a raise
UTG+1 CBets 75$
SB raise to 250$
BB ?

UTG +1 is a tight reg and Cbets like %70 of his opening range of this position. Flop doesnt really hits his range except sets , suited broadway cards and over pairs.

SB is unkown , first time i ve been playing with. He has been playing straight forward but also made moves when he see weakness .. when he goes for a check raise he seems quite strong to me ... So we r kinda dealing with at bottom of his range two pairs but more likely sets and better flush draws.

What is your move : )


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Phil Galfond 12 years, 3 months ago
The main two factors are-

-How often he folds to a shove
-How often he plays (and calls a shove with) a stronger flush draw

This is very read dependent, but I'm getting a couple of conflicting reads from you-

He makes moves when he senses weakness, but you think he has 2pair or better draws at a minimum, and sometimes sets.

Against that range, we definitely have to fold. If you can see him bluffing here, or check raising with TT and then folding when we shove, things start to change. Especially if he raises KQhh and folds to your shove.
MerArk 12 years, 3 months ago
Yea that was the hard part for me since i was playing for the first time with him. That check raise was kinda confusing for me which is also what makes my reads conflicting eachother.

Somehow i convinced myself he might be trying to protect a range of his hands that he might fold against a shove maybe some of his flush draws aswell. I am also expecting him to play his good portion of drawing hands by just check calling most of the time avoiding to build big pots via his game and personal profile. So we shoved ... He calls with Q7hh. kehkeh.

Adrian Milroy 12 years, 3 months ago
I love leading this hand, that way you'll set up your opponents ranges so that you'll probably never have to fold until the river hits and you've bricked. I hate folding this hand before that, in any context whatsoever. I mean, when we get in there with 56s, what else can we hope for.

One thing I've noticed with live poker is that regular players are most likely to raise a hand for value and fold to a reraise, whereas that is not the trend online. This strengthens the ship. But what weakens your ship is the fact that live players seem to play alot of suited garbage, like the Q7hh that beat you and junk like 94s as well. Its annoying when you're 56s gets overcoated, and you go from being a mathematical favourite, to a tainted straight draw. This should be a reminder to play AXs in live games.

Phil's logic is sound and I can't refute anything he's saying. I would take his advice over mine on this topic. But I am stubborn and I'll tell you what I tell everyone at the live table when I sit down: "I did not come here to fold!" And I just don't wanna fold OESFDs, they have so much equity 99.9% of the time that it would be ludicrous to ever muck em. I'm almost frustrated by phil's illumination that there is actually a time where one doesn't stand up well to the range that you're facing. Say it ain't so! I would've jammed it too MerArk...

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