$5/$10 Live: Lost without a map in Light 4-bet Land (LaLaLand)
Posted by DegreesOfFreedom
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High Stakes
$5/$10 Live: Lost without a map in Light 4-bet Land (LaLaLand)
$1600 eff. Folds to me in SB and I open to $40 with AhJd. Decent TAG grinder 3-bets to $110, I 4-bet to $220 (bad?). V tanks, asks how much I have and reluctantly calls. I estimate his range to be TT+, AQ+. Expected him to fold or 5b but... he just called which really took me by surprise and I had no plan for that. V and I played with each other forever. We both play a similar TAG style, we're both fairly tight, we both respect each other bets/raises and we rarely get into a pot HU. So you'd think we'd have a lot of history but we don't. I can say I've never min 4bet him before so this was something new for him too.
Flop: Qd9h4c Pot $440
...Now what? What is our plan?
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Do you expect ppl to fold pre when you raise to 220 and they have so littel to call to a see a pot IP?
I made a mistake. What would be your sizing?
Inthis very situtation I prefer just folding pre. Reason: a decent tag grinder makes a 3bet IP on you, so he shouldnt be to out of linetoo often and being deep he can call 4bets rather wide. You dont push enough EQ and playability post against said villain. Yet a sizing should be closer to 300, maybe enve 350 to counter his positional advantage and give him fewer reasons to call.
Maybe we need more information rather than just TAG. Some guys are LAG preflop and TAG postflop, some are TAG preflop and does not like to fold postflop (so a kind of "LAG" even if the word is not correct), some are TAG pre and post.
I will assume that you both are TAG/TAG..
Some assumptions :
* you want to avoid a HU with him (according to you) => Your raise is strong
* he gives credits to your bet => His 3bet is strong
So for me when he just call your 4bet his range is pretty strong, i would say QQ+, AK.
It looks like more than a trap than a desperate call (otherwise he is not TAG).
=> Give up.
I do not understand your 4bet, what do you want him to fold? you are TAG, he is TAG...
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