5/10 euro live

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5/10 euro live

i have 300bb, button(good reg) has 300bb, folded to button, he raises 30, i 3 bet to 100 with AdJh, and it's HU.
Flop: Kd2d4h
i c bet 110, and opponent calls.
Turn 6d.

what is the optimal play here? x/fold seems to be conservative and fine but what abt bet overbet river? or check raise turn and bomb river. most play seems fine, just not a fan of check calling. any math based approach to this spot?


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MrSneeze 10 years, 4 months ago

You're BB or SB right? AJo would not be in my 3betting range OOP vs a good reg at this stack depth. I'd just flat preflop, think the hand plays way better that way. AJs would be an easy 3b though (that's how I approach those spots at least).
Postflop at this stack depth, and esp with ur hand, I'd C-bet bigger, at least 140. And I'd 2 barrel very often this runout. Basically would have a strong barrelling strategy in 3b pots this deep.

wreiza 10 years, 4 months ago

I was in BB.
thanks for ur reply sneeze.

i like a 55% c bet in live games, he faces the same pressure and decision with hands like AQ, small pairs etc and i c bet a high% when i 3 bet. hands like 77 AQ etc play fit or fold, 55% i'm folding same number of hands. I would like to hear why you like a 140 c bet on this board tho.

the problem with just 2 barelling, is that a ton of hands that peel flop are TT JJ, 99 with one diamond or KTd A5 with one diamond etc hands, pair str draw hands, and flushes and straights that nvr fold of course. i have very little fold equity on the turn in my opinion (cos i feel it hits him super hard) but i'm barelling because at the same time, i don't like to give up equity or play face up when i x/call and what better hand to barrel than with a hand like this.

I'm not a fan of just two barelling, and giving up river when a complete brick like an off suit 9 hits because there are some parts of his range on the river like the abovementioned hands calling turn that i can fold on the river.

X/raise might also be interesting.

However, u might want to enlighten me why i shld just two barrel instead if theres a misconception that i might have.

So assuming that an off suit 9 on the river hits, what would be a good sizing to have? or tricky rivers such as an off suit Ace or a one card straight like an off suit 5.

It would be good if there a mathematical way to calculate these evs here and reassess the best play on the turn.

MrSneeze 10 years, 4 months ago

I understand what you say, but don't you think your strategies should differ substantially if you're 100 or 300bb deep?
As for this hand, your opponent will just peel a lot more preflop and flop this deep than if you were shallower. Which should change your ranges and your barrelling strategies / sizings.
I'm not advocating random barrelling, as when you're 300bb deep you should check a lot
more as well.

At the end of the day, many things work, it's up to u to find what works for u and for the games u play.

vjniel 10 years, 4 months ago

Turn completes the flush, the flop has a K which is very well in his range.
You can barrel the turn and bomb the river of course but the chances that he calls when he is beat is very less.

On the turn your equity to hit top pair A or complete flush when he holds a K in his hand is only 27% and when he has the flush your equity in the hand is only 15%.

Playing aggressive is good but when you have the draws, then it makes sense not with a weak draw and no pair.

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