50z - Isolating bad fish from OOP and flopping gutshot

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50z - Isolating bad fish from OOP and flopping gutshot


The villain who open limps here is a bad fish, limp/called K6s earlier from CO vs a BTN iso. The iso'er is a reg so I assume he's just trying to corner the fish. Even so I think AJo might be slightly ahead of btn here anyway? Is pre flop close or just always raised.

OTF, it's frustrating because I think this flop will hit his middling limp/call broadway range pretty hard but we still flop a gutshot. I don't know how much fold equity we have here with a cb against my perception of his range. That said I don't think c/c is going to be great either, at least we can barrel with this line?

My barrel here is obv pretty poor, not sure how else to put it. I was going to try and bluff some rivers but this is about as bad as it gets. Is there any other way to go about this hand?

Feels like I build these pots often to just end up folding without a hand.

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