50NLz~ MPvBTN cbetting strategy on TT8r
Posted by SpewyGriffin
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Low Stakes
50NLz~ MPvBTN cbetting strategy on TT8r
SB: $53.73
BB: $50.25
UTG: $50.00
MP: $58.16 (Hero)
CO: $50.50
This is not so much about this actual hand.
I'm struggling to see how our betting range and sizings on this flop (and further streets) should look like.
I'm pretty sure most of our "marginal made" (99+) hands want to bet because this board can get a little ugly, especially hands like 99/A8s/JJ. But if these hands are betting what do we do with hands like AQ/AK/AJ/KQ, if we can't develop a x/c-range including made hands (because they need some protection/value) we can't really start x/c'ing a range that's Ace high at best, right?
Then because I don't know what to do with these hands, I also don't know what I'm supposed to do with our actual semi-bluffs, like in this hand. To me it seemed too polarizing to double barrel this hand and so decided to x/c.
Long story short; I'm confused.
Only thing I could come up with is if we cbet 1/3 (or even slightly less) with entire range, we allow our range to realize it's equity without capping or polarizing it on further streets. And instead of letting villain do the bluffing with hands like KQ/KJ (w/ bdfd or smth) they are now calling flop and we'll be able to valuebet thinner on certain runouts.
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I think it's close between a very wide 1/3pot cbet and a check on this flop. And I think you can go either way or use a mixed strategy.
OTF b/c, x/c or x/r all seem decent options to me, and I think that we can also use mixed strategy here varying between all of our options.
OTT we have a pretty easy fold with this hand. I'd continue with JJ+, 99-77, AT, KT, QT, JTs, T9s, A8s, K8s, 98s, 87s, 86s, and AsKs-AsTs.
I don't have a x/r range on this turn fwiw.
It seems to me a board where villain should be more able to bluf than you are. You cant nor should try to prevent that, or you will be opening yourself up to being exploited even more.
Whenever you have a cbetting range OOP you have to take care of two 3-street ranges, whereas button is able to play one two street range because of him closing the action OTF. Which is why he doesn't need to worry as much about leaving a weaker checkback range. The fact that the turn can change the distribution of strong hands significantly, is even more justification for doing so.
So whenever you don't have a significant range-advantage, it seems logical to me do do a bunch of checking OTF while being OOP and few (if any) betting.
Sorry it's been a very long day, I don't really understand what you mean when you say "two 3-street ranges".
Cbet range OOP: Facing possible action on flop, turn & river (3 street)
X range OOP: "
Cbet range IP: "
X range IP: Facing possible action on turn & river (two-street). With added benefit - to the weaker checking range - of a new card and therefore (occasionally) an alteration in the distribution of strength between the ranges.
Dont like opening Q9s MP.
I would bet 1/3 OTF here with my entire Range and depending on turn overbet or giveup.
It depends a little bit tho on villains coldcall range here, if he has a lot of Ts in his Range which i doubt it might be bad.
Villain has more Ts than you in his cold calling range and also more 8. Most of your MP opening range consists of broadways and pocket pairs. It's ok to check this flop with this particular hand. It's also easier to check your entire opening range on this TT8r board imo.
I think this is going to depend a lot on what MP rfi is, b/c some guys open offsuit KTo/QTo/JTo and others don't. I ran a sim with MP having low frequency opens for those hands in question:
MP RFI 21%
BTN cc 9.8%
MP cbets 1/3 OTF 61%
In this model, MP has 10.4% trips+ to BTN's 9.6%. Equities are 51/49 in favor of MP, EV 39/35 also MP.
It's the type of texture where everything is basically going to hinge on how much Tx is in both players' ranges. I think if you are MP and don't have KTo/QTo/JTo in your preflop range, you're probably better off just checking your whole range on the flop, especially if you're trying to simplify your strategy.
Thank you for this. I'm surprised in regard to the big cbetting range, when OOP and both equity as Well as amount of trips are so close. I would think positional disadvantage would cause OOP to check to be able to prevent both the cbetting and check/calling range to be exploited.
Is it merely The added value of overpairs that results in an impunity to cbet a substantial part of the range?
Don't we still have an even amount or even more Tx either way if we open those Offsuit Broadway Tx or not? Since BTN will never have those hands and probably less Txs then our MP rfi?
Of course, but relative to your entire range they could be less. (20 out of 200 is less than 15 out of 100)
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