[50NLz] Flopping two pair and villain rivered a flush
Posted by akissv7
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Low Stakes
[50NLz] Flopping two pair and villain rivered a flush
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $45.57
SB: $26.19
BB: $35.59
UTG: $115.05
MP: $27.41
CO: $50.00 (Hero)
SB: $26.19
BB: $35.59
UTG: $115.05
MP: $27.41
CO: $50.00 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Don't like my sizing here should make it at least half pot again to let draws pay more.
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What line would you take on the river?
check/call or check/fold or bet/call or bet/fold or check/raise
check/call or check/fold or bet/call or bet/fold or check/raise
Final Pot
wins and shows a flush, Eight high.
BN wins $23.20
Rake is $1.22
BN wins $23.20
Rake is $1.22
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I think you kinda underplayed your hand with turn sizing, but it still has to be kinda check/fold with your two pairs.
I absolutely think that he can vbet another two pairs, so i wouldnt fold A7 in here, but difficult to find in BTN range worse two pair combo than A2.
And i expect that he has very hard time with finding enough bluffs on diamond rivers.
Its perfect spot to overbet turn, I dont see any reason to bet so small on turn unless you expect him to often take a bait. River is meh, but I think you should still valuebet vs fish.
In general, turn bets should be bigger than flop bets (as % of pot). Not sure what's going on with the very small sizing. I would bet big (75% pot or more). If you had some draw like Td9d, you would bet big as well, right? So, you should bet big with your value hands as well.
As played, I like check/calling the river. You have a good bluff-catcher. Besides, villain could be value-betting worse, like 87s. If you bet, what worse hands will call you? Only 87s, I think. Maybe some top pair if Villain is a calling station.
I've been playing with overbets recently and I think this is a spot you can overbet turn. I expect villain to be pretty capped here so an overbet to get value from draws and top pair hands is great. I used to just bet 75% pot on the turn and I also think that's fine, but you definitely need to up the turn barrel sizing. River is a check call for me as a bluff catcher as you also block the nuts
He is fish, i lwould bet around 3/4 on the flop, 3/4 on the turn and 3/4 on the river. If you have information about that he can call overbets i would overbets.
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