[50NLz] Check raising a TAG with top pair on 984 board form the BB
Posted by akissv7
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Low Stakes
[50NLz] Check raising a TAG with top pair on 984 board form the BB
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $44.67
SB: $65.80 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $105.16
MP: $125.65
CO: $157.73
SB: $65.80 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $105.16
MP: $125.65
CO: $157.73
UTG is a (weak) TAG with VIP 23 and PFR 21 and only 23% (3 out if 13) cBet total of 161 hands.
cBet % seems to be low but not many opportunities so cant say to much about that,
cBet % seems to be low but not many opportunities so cant say to much about that,
Hero is SB with
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Seems like a standard re-raise to me only problem here is that the cBet % is on the low side.
UTG calls the re-raise making me believe that he has either AK/AQ or a good over pair.
UTG calls the re-raise making me believe that he has either AK/AQ or a good over pair.
I make another barrel to try to make AK/AQ fold.
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Basically gave up on the river as I don't think villain is able to fold an over pair on this board although the straight came in and that AK would already have been folded.
His bet size is btw the same as he made with a nut flush earlier.
His bet size is btw the same as he made with a nut flush earlier.
Final Pot
UTG wins $27.23
Rake is $1.43
Rake is $1.43
Any comment on the line taken is welcome.
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Not sure what your range is to flat in the SB. I would have mostly folded pre and sometimes 3-bet.
As played, I would either check/call the flop or check turn. Top pair, marginal kicker is not doing very well when he calls your check-raise and then calls the turn as well. As you say, AK would have likely folded, so his range is pretty strong on the river. No need to strengthen his range like this.
With a marginal hand, you can either have good equity in a small pot, or bad equity in a bloated pot. The former is better. Moreover, you're OOP, so you didn't even get to realize your equity and had to fold.
Called him because he has a low cBet frequency so I can see a lot of flops/turns against this villain and take pot away on the flop.
I would probably 3 bet preflop, also i will never c/r flop, you have bluff catcher, if you c/r he will call you only with better hands, maybe he can have some JTs. So I would check call flop.
Flop: I strongly prefer c/c, given board and villain type, overs like AK, AQ are probably getting check back a some freq. If I was villain, knowing that opponent c/r merge range, I would want to cbet at a lower frequency and polarize my range which is maybe exactly what villain is doing.
Guess my actions where to aggro given the villains preflop/postflop stats/tendencies
Flop raise is probably alright in general but againts a weaktight player with a cbet % of 23 I definitely prefer a call. As played turn seems like a check with this type of hand.
x/r is fine even against low freq cbettor having bunch of backdoors plus top pair but I wouldnt go more than 50% with this hand, I would check turn it gets too thin to value bet ag EP
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