[50NLz] 3 betting the BTN from the SB with KJo
Posted by akissv7
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Low Stakes
[50NLz] 3 betting the BTN from the SB with KJo
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $55.04
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $43.06
UTG: $42.80
MP: $64.96
CO: $109.50
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $43.06
UTG: $42.80
MP: $64.96
CO: $109.50
Hero is SB with
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I like to 3 bet the stealers a lot :)
Although the population folds a lot against cBets in 3 bet pots I don't feel this is the correct flop to represent.
Would you cBet here a lot ?
Would you cBet here a lot ?
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As no scare card came I just give up
Final Pot
BN wins $19.95
Rake is $1.05
Rake is $1.05
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Yeah, you kinda have quite big range advantage on this flop, you can easily cbet range, you can also use 1/3 sizing for it.
True I like the smaller sizing but on this type of board in this specific situation I can have AA,KK,AK but also Axs,Kxs more then the villain so in my opinion on this board my range advantage is not that big.
Hence I prefer the 1/2 pot over 1/3 pot here (if there was a high card on board I would certainly bet 1/3 pot) as that has more fold equity. But for betting 1/2 pot I need more equity then this hand has e.g. a backdoor flush or a gut-shot would be more ideal to bet 1/2 pot with think that with this hand check folding might even be the preferred option.
Not sure what your ranges are.
If you 3-bet from the SB with 55+,A3s+,K9s+,QTs+,J9s+,T9s,AJo+,KQo
And BTN calls the 3-bet with: TT-22,AQs-A5s,K8s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T8s+,97s+,86s+,76s,65s,54s,AQo-AJo,KQo
You don't have a big range advantage on the flop: Equilab shows 52-48.
With this hand in particular, you don't have any backdoors. Only two overcards.
So, I would prefer to check flop, especially when OOP.
I agree with belrio42 that this flop is a check for me with this combo. If you had KJs and had a BD FD I would bet 1/3 pot. The problem with cbetting is that you don't turn a card that gives you a lot of equity very often and are either a) forced to barrel a lot with very little equity or b) forced to check fold a lot of turns. Both of these are not very good and why I would prefer just checking flop
Agree i would cbet with KcJc, KdJd and KhJh, but i don't sure about sizing. Like you sad with suited hands we can continue to bet around 32% of the time on the turn.
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