50nl zoom. Can I vbet river here?
Posted by TheRockyLobster
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Low Stakes
50nl zoom. Can I vbet river here?
BN: $79.83
SB: $58.33
BB: $102.87
UTG: $61.64
HJ: $47.14
CO: $52.83 (Hero)
SB: $58.33
BB: $102.87
UTG: $61.64
HJ: $47.14
CO: $52.83 (Hero)
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.25, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3.25
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $1.25, BN folds, SB folds, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3.25
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $4,
BB calls $4
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $11.36,
BB calls $11.36
(2 Players)
BB checks
Villain seems quite good, bit laggy, very small sample though so not much to go on. Not sure if betting this river might be a bit too thin because i really can't have many bluffs at all in my range.
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Yes bet. Given you stabbed flop with random broadways no backdoors I don't see why you can't have bluffs. I do agree that there are no obvious missed draws for you to use as bluffs, but that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't be bluffing sometimes.
Have you watched this video on value betting?? if not I would advise you do so.
Value betting; Felipe
I'd prefer a turn check here tbh. We don't really have any bluffs that really WANT to be bluffing and we do have plenty of 99-JJ/QQ hands that I don't think are that great at vbetting anymore. As for the river I'd probably check. I guess once in a blue moon you get called by an 8x but I think it's more likely that villain will show up with AK/AA as infrequent as it might be.
sounds like you should really want to bluff everything on the turn then?
Are you saying you`d prefer checking turn/betting river as main line, but as played you think checking river is better? Or just x/x.
I like checking as played, but would bet turn myself.I think he might level himself into peeling one more with worse because it`s an over card and we`re expected to bluff it.
As played definitely agree checking river is better.
Im saying that people don't really have c/calling ranges on such board textures in this scenario. And if they do - it's smthing fairly polarised. And on such turn it might be so that we have 0% FE while valuetowning ourselves 100% of the time.
I'm definetely treating this hand as a 2 street value hand (if we include flop obv.) but I'm not too thrilled about it. I don't think it makes any difference whether we choose turn or river to get value in terms of how loose he calls but I do believe our other parts of range benefit quite a bit from x/backing this hand OTT.
We aren't expected to bluff it. It's a better card for his range than for ours. I think i do actually prefer a check on the turn and then either a call on the river if he bets or a bet if he checks again.
Yeah didn`t look at the HH right, i thought we were the 3bettor.
Is pf suppossedly standard here? going back to pf what do you think V is 3 betting you with pf and then cking flop with? In zoom I may even fold to a v 3! depending on tendencies bc you shld often be dominated by his 3 bet range. That being said post he played this like a passive AK type hand and I would prob just ck back rvr out of confusion for being slowplayed more than anything else
pf is standard for me, I have to defend this because i'm opening quite wide from the CO it's too far up my opening range to fold, if i folded this villain will most likely be auto profiting with his 3bets. Yes villain will have me dominated sometimes but i also dominate quite a lot of his Kxs that he is 3betting with. I also have position. I'm pretty sure at the time villains stats had him at around a 15-20% 3bet so this was always a defend. I'm all for folding this though pre if villain is a mega nit and i'm almost always going to be crushed.
The few times I've played around with CR-EV and looked at flop defending frequencies I will often need BDFD type hands to get to call flop and so I tend to defend with very few off-suit holdings. I migt be wrong here, but I'd rather defend with K10s, KJs than KQo.
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