50nl zoom
Posted by Insilicio
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Low Stakes
50nl zoom
is 50nl zoom beatable for a decent clip? normally I play regular tables 100nl and tableselect but I am forced to play on laptop next 3 weeks. therefore I consider moving down 1 limit but heard rake 50nl is insane. what should I believe about this? Tnx
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Of course it is, terrible regs and plenty of fish.
Rush as well, only much lower traffic.
Will go for zoom since im still platinum star. Thnx
So far played 12k hands. Seems beatable for sure but running well so hard to judge.
It is 100% beatable. Just don't tilt! You tilt in zoom and your dead!
Haha you should never tilt right? Easy to say though :)
if you aren't sure just choose the observe option and see how completely terrible some of the pool plays.
Lol, selection bias ftw. Even 500nl zoom looks soft for a 50nl player that way.
I pay around 10bb/100 the game is def beatable but the swings are huge.
I noticed that. Started with a nice heater and then lost like a lot of it back in 20k hands total.
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