50NL Line Check

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50NL Line Check

$50 NL, WSOP.com. $54 effective stacks.

UTG opens to $1.43
BU (Hero) calls with AcQh
BB calls

Pot approx $4.10.
Flop: Qc9c5c

UTG bets $2.24
Hero calls
BB folds

Pot approx $8
Turn: 2d

UTG bets $6.70
Hero calls

Pot approx $21
River: 7d

UTG bets $14.50
Hero calls

Thought process was that the Villain here is a decent reg, reasonably aggressive, and although he could be wide preflop, he seems to play pretty well postflop. Because of this, I felt like flop and turn, I didn't want to push the pace when I pretty much have the board locked down; I wanted to give him the opportunity to bluff. On river, I remember saying to myself that I felt like the only hand that makes sense was KK with K of clubs (of course, he could have easily had KcJc, JcTc, etc.) but that didn't enter my brain at that moment.

He had KK with K of clubs to take the pot. Even after thinking about this after the fact, I don't really think I would change anything. But I'm open to other thoughts/interpretations.


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RaoulFlush 2 years, 3 months ago

Looks fine to me.
Do you really think that we are beat by all of his value bets? I agree that betting AQ or like KcQx looks thin, but im still not sure if it could happen from time to time.
If so, we aint bluffcatching anymore and every AQ becomes a call OTR

Hawkish 2 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I hear you. I feel like there's so much random wierd stuff that you see people doing on WSOP, I just felt like there were a few value hands I was still beating, but with the random stuff - I had to click call on the end. Thanks for the thoughts.

Trinity 2 years, 3 months ago

I think this could be a river shove with some frequency. We're not calling many Ax offsuit against utg (against that size AJo shouldn't really call in theory), and we have to balance our nut flushes. Anyway, I personally would use a 3bet/fold strategy preflop.

Hawkish 2 years, 3 months ago

If I'm shoving the river, what am I getting called with that I beat? It seems like that would be a pure negative freeroll.

Trinity 2 years, 3 months ago

the shove would be a bluff of course, your value range is basically just the nuts so anything he holds at that point would be a bluffcatcher

Hawkish 2 years, 3 months ago

but why would I shove? If I call, I'm beating all of his bluffs and losing a smaller amount on hands I lose to. If I shove, I beat all of his bluffs and lose more to hands I would otherwise lose to when I would have just called.

Trinity 2 years, 3 months ago

If we assume your opponent is not valuebetting worse, your hand is close to a 0 ev call in theory. Since you can't call all your bluffcatchers, it's reasonable to use some of them as bluff raises, which in theory should also be close to 0 ev. Holding the Ac means you're blocking the nuts, but also some of his bluffcatchers which would block your own nuts, such as AcAx.

I beat all of his bluffs and lose more to hands I would otherwise lose to when I would have just called.

You're assuming your opponent is always calling whenever he holds a better hand, which is not true. He can and should fold a bunch of sets, weak flushes, and of course the hand he was holding in that moment.

Here's a simulation from GTOWizard:

Despite not being 100% accurate due to slightly different sizing, you can see AcQx is shoving around one third of the times.

But of course in practice the best line depends on your opponent's tendencies.

RaoulFlush 2 years, 3 months ago

Interesting that we prefer calling non clubs rather than holding the Ac.
That was a bit unsuspected to me as i would have thought this could also justify more of a call.
But i guess blocking the nuts and blocking the NF-blocker(ie bluffs) forces UTG to have a more condensed betting-range OTR that we perform worse with just TPTK here…very interesting!

Trinity 2 years, 3 months ago

RaoulFlush yes but keep in mind this is a line that's almost never taken in the sim. Flop is being checked with a high frquency and bet smaller sometimes. Also on the river it prefers to either overbet shove or block. So the results could be somewhat unreliable, yet i think it's significant to see that it does make sense to shove at least.

Anyway, QY has made a new video about blocker effects on GTOWizard channel, check it out! Link

HawksWin 2 years, 3 months ago

3b or fold preflop IMO.

I think river can be folded here. He has AA/KK/QQ/99/55 sometimes and also flopped flushes. Turn is a brick. River is not a brick.

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

I 3bet preflop. At NL50 we don't want hands to go to flop due to rake. The population is not 4betting enough from UTG so we can 3bet a ton of hands both value and bluffs.

I will flat pre if there is a rec in the blinds.

Hawkish 2 years, 3 months ago

Noted. Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't really considered the 3b/fold aspect as a counter to the high rake environment, rather, I was mostly thinking about not inflating a pot vs. an opponent who could be somewhat unpredictable postflop.

Appreciate the viewpoints.

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