50NL interesting river spot

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50NL interesting river spot


vs decent reg, 3K hands, 26/20, 3b 7, F3b 54. Don't ask me why I didn't cbet this otf. Not sure why, but may have been distracted. As for the river, my read is that I'm almost certain he is never reraising here otr with just a J because he knows better. I'm not even sure he'd do this with smaller flushes because my line looks so strong. I min-raised with the intent on folding to a reraise.


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davidnso 8 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, you're def beat. Good fold. Could consider a donk block bet then fold to a raise -- trips aren't going to raise there.

Tomasz K 8 years, 3 months ago

not my stakes, but I try to show you my point of view.
First of all no CB is a pretty big mistake in my opinion - but you probably know that (cbetting on tp+ isn't the best idea here).
2nd you can consider x/r OTT if villain is really aggressive, it's pretty interesting line in my opinion.
as played, x/mr OTR is a decent play, shoving might make him fold his trips, but you should probably count how many flush combos he has in his range and how many of them he bet/calls OTR and than count ev your raise sizing.
If he shoves vs your x/mr it's a easy fold imo.

.ps I dont like donkbetting OTR. There's no much sense to do that, anyway he's going to bet his trips+ OTR and bluffs with some frequency trying to fold your 2nd pairs, so donkbetting only cut off his range from bluff.
Medium value range obviously dont bet otr and dont call your DB.

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