50NL AJ top pair bluffcatcher vs 3 donkbets

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50NL AJ top pair bluffcatcher vs 3 donkbets

BB: 50.50
UTG: 94.59
HJ: 122.78
CO: 32.67
BN: 63.88 (Hero)
SB: 43.09

Preflop (0.75) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A J
UTG raises to 1.50, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls 1.50, SB calls 1.25, BB folds
Flop (5) 6 3 J (3 Players)
SB bets 3.50, UTG folds, Hero calls 3.50
Turn (12) 7 (2 Players)
SB bets 8.50, Hero calls 8.50
River (29) 6 (2 Players)
SB bets 29.59

UTG opener is 27/20 Reg, 61% fold to 3bet, with 13% UTG openraise.
Blinds are Regs but rather tight and not too squeeze happy.

SB Villain is 26/20 8% 3bet, have huge sample on him

He usually plays as a midstack which is the reason he has such a weird stacksize, but from time to time he plays 100bb+ as well.

He donkbets flops 18% of the time, and donk/folds 20%.

1) Do ou think the preflop call is ok? Just called because we are a little bit deeper. Normally I would fold against that tight of an UTG range.

2) SB has quite a high donking range it seems, so he definately could have  lot good draws in there as well as all sets. Maybe sometimes QQ.

Do we ever not call flop and turn here? Should be the best against this opponent IMO

3) SB's overall bet river is 34%, WWSF is 45%.

This may seem hes rather not the guy to make big riverbluffs, but then hes basically only repping 66, 33, JJ which is 5 combos. I cant really see him having a backdoor club flush there ever.

That being said, do you guys call or fold river?

I have no idea if the range I stoved is anywhere near being realistic...
Board: 6h3hJc7c6c
    Equity    Win    Tie
MP2    33.33%    33.33%    0.00%    { AsJs }
MP3    66.67%    66.67%    0.00%    { JJ, 66, 33, AcKc, AcQc, KhQh, KcQc, Th9h, 9h8h, 8h7h }


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luckycard888 11 years, 1 month ago

obvious,fold turn.what his sb calling range and what his action before this hand?pre calling is ok,turn is ok too,river is big decision,but he bets heave flop turn river,and u say he bluff not more,i even think he has hit fh river or 6666.but as u said,he is a donkey,calling river maybe a good decision,if turn call and river is xh,fold ,other card is a good calling.

mplecki23 11 years, 1 month ago

I'm not 100% sure what your flop strat would be in a 3 way spot, with the SB donking at a high %, but I can't imagine folding AJ on the river. Seems very high up in our range, and we don't block xyhh hands. I'd just click call with QQ, prob most AJ, and maybe think hard about calling with a KJdd type hand.

RaoulFlush 11 years, 1 month ago

34% riverbet sounds like a snapfold to me....even though 18% flopdonk is pretty high, he still bets into 2 ppl and fires 3 times (incl. riverpotbet what could mean whatever)

I know its pretty exploitable to fold AJ here, but therefore you called UTG you still have QQ+ in your range and so i would expect any JX+ to bet smaller or XC the river...

We obv have JX or an over pair most of the time and the board paired OTR, so most ppl dont expect to have too much FE here and wouldnt fire a 3rd barrel...and this thought combined with his somewhat low riverbet% makes me really want to fold here....

CombatCarl 11 years, 1 month ago

I actually do play a set this way once in a while but depending on the opponents and textures. This one looks good though.

Leading three times into two players oop with anything less than TPTK is just hilarious so I would fold on river but may be the correct place to fold is on turn. Call down if you play with him a lot and you need information that's gonna help you in future.


clark116 11 years, 1 month ago

I can't see folding here. As others have said we are very high up in our range here (assuming you are not peeling any 6s on flop). Also since our range looks very capped here from villains perspective I would expect a lot of regulars to barrel off their fds more often especially when the backdoored fd hits (although we don't put this in his range very often at all he may still think he can get credit for it). Also I don't think him betting a KJ is completely out of the question. We know he donk leads a reasonable amount, and as someone else said we don't block any hearts.

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