50NL 3bet pot. Overbet strategy on the turn?
Posted by LeavingWinterBehind
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Low Stakes
50NL 3bet pot. Overbet strategy on the turn?
Villan is a reg. Opens 55% and folds 66% vs 3-bet on the BTN over a small sample.
What is you opinion of an overbet strategy on the turn? His range isn't really caped though. I think he has 77,88, A7s,A8s and AJ in his range. I would like some advice on whats the best line and sizing would be the best in this spot.
UTG: €77.64
CO: €52.71
BTN: €60.81
Hero (SB): €74.28
BB: €60.24
Hero posts SB €0.25, BB posts BB €0.50, Hero contributes €0.02 to the Bad Beat Jackpot
Pre Flop: (pot: €0.75) Hero has 9d 6d
fold, fold, BTN raises to €1.25, Hero raises to €5.00, fold, BTN calls €3.75
Flop : (€10.50, 2 players) 8d 7s As
Hero bets €5.50, BTN calls €5.50
Turn : (€21.50, 2 players) Jd
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I don't like overbetting the Turn because Villian has some really strong Hands here. He has a lot of two pair Combos, straights and maybe turned a Set. As you say, he's not even capped so I don't think it's a good idea to overbet the Turn. You have lots of Equity on this Board and a lot of strong Hands as well, so I think betting around half Pot is fine here. Betting here twice on this Board represents a strong Range so putting in some semi-bluffs is a good consideration imo.. What kind of Hands would you like to overbet on this board? Tbh I don't think thats the max. EV line. Just my 2 cents ;)
In 3 bet pots, thats not important to have overbet strategy against regulars. It doesn't give us additional +EV in most cases. His range is not capped at all, most people will call your overbet wtih close to decent frequancy, but I dont know how much you want to bet.
I like to bet pot or 1/2 much more here
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