[50nl] 3 bet pot with TT gets raised on flop
Posted by zinom1
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Low Stakes
[50nl] 3 bet pot with TT gets raised on flop
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players)
UTG: $50.00
CO: $145.71
BN: $47.62
SB: $250.60
BB: $57.14 (Hero)
CO: $145.71
BN: $47.62
SB: $250.60
BB: $57.14 (Hero)
Hero is BB with
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villain is fun player
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I'd imagine that there are a lot of players at 50nl against whom this is a great fold. Look at villain's flop 2b, specifically for 3bp if possible. This isn't a fold in theory, though.
Edit: just saw the fun player note. Again, stats would be helpful here. Some fish are always nutted, some will raise a really merged range, and others will be really spazzy. I would probably call flop and fold to 50% or bigger ott. If we get to showdown and he shows anything weaker than AQ, make a note! e.g. "3bp r50 IP w/ TPMK vs cb33." His bet sizing will probably be correlated with his hand class (as opposed to his range), and this will be very helpful going forward.
A few questions from a beginner:
1. 2b, does this mean a raise on the flop IP? And what is 3bp then?
2. What does a "really merged range" mean?
3. What does r50 mean?
Sorry if these answers are too obvious, i just haven't come across expressions like these before :)
2b, in this context, means two bet. So Paul means when they raise the flop here. 3BP means 3 bet pot so he's telling you to look at their raise percentage in 3 bet pots.
A polarized range means when someone is betting or raising with only their best hands and their worst hands. Merged is basically the opposite of that and would mean that your opponent is betting or raising with lots of their middling strength hands as well as their strongest hands. An example would be on a flop of Q24 raising only 22/44/QQ and hands like A3, 56 etc. would be a polarized raising range whereas raising hands like QJ, Q10, A4 as well as 22/44/QQ would be a merged range.
I think that r50 in this context means that your opponent made a 50% pot sized raise.
James Hudson drops a perfect dime for the assist :P
Is villain a loose passive fun player or a tighter more straightforward fun player? Do you find yourself getting raised often in your player pool by weaker players when you make small c-bets in 3 bet pots?
I don't think you can fold this. Players react very poorly to 1/3 cbets, and their raising ranges are usually pretty goofy and contain inappropriate bluffs. This is too far up in our range to make an exploitative fold.
Do you guys prefer the cbet here? Or would check/calling be better? I only ask because I see a lot of conflicting strategies pertaining to spots like this. I can see advantages to both but I am curious to hear other opinions.
We should c-bet more frequently OOP as stacks get shallower, which is what happens in 3-bet pots. The reason is that c-betting allows us to realize our equity more effectively out of position as opposed to check-calling, and we're less worried about getting raised. C-betting also prevents IP from checking and getting to see the turn for free, where our check option is less valuable because it doesn't allow us to see the turn card.
The high c-bet has more to do with stack-to-pot ratio than the fact that it's 3-bet. If we were 200BBs deep, then OOP would be insensitived to check significantly more in 3-bet pots because IP has much more playability with deeper stacks.
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