50 shades of flop texture
Posted by JoINrbs
Posted by JoINrbs posted in Low Stakes
50 shades of flop texture
This is my attempt at a semi-exhaustive sort of list of flop textures for myself to study. I tried to stay proportionate to how common flops were in my choice of which to study, for example monotone flops happen just under 5% of the time so I only have a few of them. On the other hand, ignoring blockers, ace-high flops happen 22% of the time, so there are a ton of ace-high flops to study. I did also make sure to include a variety of different types of all flops and flops which I thought people might be playing particularly poorly though, and have a couple of extremely uncommon flops like AAA and TTT because they are very unusual and I think people will benefit a lot from studying them.
Note that I'm endeavoring to make flops which I can run population analyses on, so I'm deliberately using non-specific variables like looking at A(9-6)(5-2)r instead of looking at A72r. If I'm looking at stuff in CREV or another program of course for each of these flop categories I'll just pick one particular flop which I think exemplifies it to look at.
AKQJT98765432 - duh
f = face = AKQJ
b = broadway = AKQJT
m = middling = 9876
s = small = 5432
x = any card
-x = any card lower than designated cards
-b = broadway lower than the designated card(s)
Bb = different broadways
BB = same broadway
b/m/s = broadway-small = AKQJT98765432
b/s = broadway or small = AKQJT5432
r = rainbow, three different colors on flop
fd = flush draw, two on one color and one other color on flop
m = monotone, three of same color on flop
1) AAA
2) AAb fd
3) AAm/s r
4) AKb r
5) AKm fd
6) AKs m
7) ABb r
8) Ams r
9) AMm fd
10) ASs m
11) KKm r
12) KQs fd
13) K-bm fd
14) Kmm r
15) Kms m
16) Kms r
17) Kss fd
18) QQm fd
19) QJm r
20) QJm fd
21) Qms m
22) QMm r
23) Qss fd
24) Qss r
25) JTm fd
26) JTm m
27) Jmm r
28) JMm fd
29) Jms r
30) Jss r
31) T9-m fd
32) Tmm r
33) Tms m
34) Tss fd
35) Tss r
36) 9-ms fd
37) 9-Mm r
38) 9ss fd
39) 9ss m
40) 8-ms r
41) 8ss fd
42) 7ss r
43) 6ss fd
44) 5-Ss r
45) b44 fd
46) m33 r
47) x66 fd
48) x88 r
49) xTT fd
50) TTT
Hope this is a helpful list for you :)
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