50-100 hkd 400bb stacks
Posted by russianfish
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High Stakes
50-100 hkd 400bb stacks
often play in Macau, want to tell one interesting hand
early in the morning or late night... i have AA on utg.. raise reraise... i dont remember ... all in and i win vs AQ
next hand i am on big blind with KK
new guy raise 600
BTN ( we played several 3bet pots (3b,cbet/fold) one time he 4bet me i call, then i call flop, and fold on turn, he showed one King on QTJA board. so i think he is normal player not Chinese fish 8) and PREVIOUS hand i busted his friend)
BTN call 600
HERO reraise to 1800
BTN call
FLOP 995
HERO bet about 3k and BTN raise to 7,5k (about 35k left) HERO??? HERO call
HERO check, BTN bet about 10k, HERO call
HERO check,BTN ALL-IN abot 25k
What is the best line after his raise? thank you
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not knowing more about villain, i would tend to believe, you are beat more often than not. but that beeing said, he might not play his value hands by raising flop and barreling... the fact that you just won a big pot might also make him think you'd give up on this one more easily
Probably i even could consider make a click it back on the flop, making look my hand more like a bluff.
Would he slow play AA in this spot?
Once you call the 10k on the turn your getting about 2.5 on your money on the river, as played I call.
I play in macau a lot too at the same level. It's hard to believe that someone called all in 400bb preflop with AQ. If someone gets all in preflop in this level of game in Macau, i'm pretty sure he's holding AA or KK.
hand 2, If it is a rainbow flop, he's representing merely 9x and 55, which is not too many combinations. Hands like T9s, 89s, 55 or even 99 are just good enough for him to call your 3bet on the BTN. On the other hand, Macau Regs tend to bluff a lot on this kind of AAB boards. Based on the history between you two, villain seems like a solid player and as played I might consider just folding the turn.
3b larger pre. Or, if your 3betting too narrow here, don't 3bet this hand. @ this stack depth, you should either be 3betting a fairly wide and balanced range, or not 3betting at all. Doing shit like this w/o having enough card coverage will get you crushed.
The rest of this hand is impossible to give you any meaningful answer. From a GT standpoint, I think you have to call this river. But, that's really not going to be the most profitable strategy in these games. You should be picking up a lot of stuff in the moment on his bet sizing/timing/posture/breathing and your overall feel for what's going on. Even as someone who grew up playing 100% online, I believe all of these things are incredibly relevant in live poker and a significant portion of your overall information should be coming from these areas.
I don't mind 3b flop either for the reasons Juancopani mentioned. However, you need a specific type of person for that play to work.
"his bet sizing/timing/posture/breathing"
He has plenty of 9's in his range. A9,K9,Q9,J9,T9,89 are very likely pre. Im not saying this is solid play but I'd expect this. This board actually totally crushes you as far as the massive amount of nut hand combos he has and your range is basically capped. So that being said I don't think this board is a bet. I would probably only bet air and be super exploitable but I think GTO wise you should check this flop and call down if he fires 3.
As played I mean you have the 2nd best hand you could possibly have on this board so it would be a little absurd to fold but at the same time the way he plays it really, really seems like the nuts. I'd probably fold even though its so absurdly un nash.
I'm surprised more good players didnt chime in on this hand.
It all depends in your reads of his game.
Does he 3bet pf hands like 66/77/88 or prefers to cold call an open raise?
Is he capable of turning them into a big bluff like in this spot when your perceived range is face up?
Does he play T9/89/79 type hands ip against an openraise?
Its a horrible spot, i would check the flop for pot control against a good player oop so deep and cbet only polarized. (Although the strong part of your polarized range in a 995 flop is very low, so probably its never good to cbet in that board for balancing purposes)
But with the line you took i would cbet/3bet short almost like a clickback and fold a jam.
The sizing of his raise to your cbet tells me he is super strong..
Agree with everything overbet56 said, particularly that you shouldn't be 3betting this at this stack depth unless you also are 3betting as a bluff somewhat regularly. As played I think you can fold turn or river, he likely has 9xs or 55, he might be bluffing as well, but without a read that indicates he's a spazz I would likely give him credit for having a monster.
"Agree with everything overbet56 said, particularly that you shouldn't be 3betting this at this stack depth unless you also are 3betting as a bluff somewhat regularly."
You and overbet want to expand on this viewpoint? Is it simply that if our 3bet range is too narrow we face too many situations where we always have one pair or less and can face very bluffy unexploitable ranges postflop?
Furthermore, as you said previously, if our range is somewhat capped and we're OOP and can't stop 3 streets of bets from going in we should likely be check calling some (potentially all) strong bluffcatchers on this flop.
James pretty much nailed it.
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