5-10 turn spot
Posted by satyakees
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High Stakes
5-10 turn spot
I have them covered
I limp 68ss utg..tight reg(5.6k) makes it 50 from mp...agro fish(2.8k) calls..
Flop is A86shh (165$)
I check,reg c-bets 110$,fish calls..i x-r to 500$...Reg calls..fish folds
Turn is Qo (1165)
Action?? I chk folded to his bet of 600$
wht's the correct line on flop & turn??
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From the last 2 hands it seems that you keep limp/calling suited connectors in EP. On most tables its best to fold them unless its T9s+ imo. I would avoid the limp/calling unless you limp/raise some of the time with those hands but overall I think folding is best. With the fish in the hand here I would probably just lead, but checking is ok too to cr because fish has the last action. If you check turn here I'm definitely check/calling. He is going to have a ton of draws and Ax that we are way ahead of. If we decide not to bet turn and check then checking and deciding on river is the way to go. Folding some of the time, calling some of the time etc. Most people are not going to be betting river without A6+ so it comes down to his bluffing frequency for how often we call non-bad rivers.
Yeah agree about the limping strategy. Sure you're super deep, it's good to have some deception value and all that, but if you keep limping those weak hands OOP you'll just find yourself in too many EV- spots postflop. IDK, maybe you're playing hyper juicy tables where the value of flopping big is huge, so you can afford to limp anything.
As for postflop, why the hell do you X/F the turn? I don't understand your logic!
I think everything is fine up to the turn and i would take the same line most of the time, but i think folding the turn cant be an option if youre c/r flop.
Sometimes i might lead 600-750 on the turn sometimes i c/c but that depends on if its a fish or thinking player, folding cant be an option.
I think best think to do from turn on is to c/c turn c/c river. If you make a boat on river tho I would lead 1800-2300 whatever would induce a raise more often
playing a flop CR in that spot is going to be pretty annoying on most runoffs no matter what. Not saying it's bad , just saying you're gonna be in a lot of spots ott/otr where you're either v-betting very marginally or checking and having a close decision. If you're not comfortable with that , just delay the raise to the turn or the river on good runoffs
Or check/call down.
seems a clear value bet turn for me: you value Ax flush draw, 97 etc
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