4betting ATC vs the first 3b from a reg at lower stakes?

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4betting ATC vs the first 3b from a reg at lower stakes?

Hey, guys. I was wondering what is your opinion like on 4betting any hand when you face the first 3b from a regular at lower stakes. I mean, the reason why I try to do this as a default is that I expect people to start 3b light to build a metagame and because their range is typically perceived to be strong. So if my assumptions about how they model their range at the beginning of a session is correct, I think that I have enough FE to profitably 4b ATC.

I also show the guy that he can't go overboard and expect me to fold whenever he elects to 3b.
But now it gets tricky - I don't know whether it's how I've been running so far, or just that regs in general don't care about building a dynamics between other regulars and simply focus solely on their hand (which makes their 3b range Call4b and 5b heavy).

I would like to hear your thoughts on that. Thanks!

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