4bet pot with K9s OOP
Posted by LikeItGreen
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4bet pot with K9s OOP
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $14.55
SB: $12.43
BB: $19.84
UTG: $9.92
MP: $10.72
CO: $10.35 (Hero)
SB: $12.43
BB: $19.84
UTG: $9.92
MP: $10.72
CO: $10.35 (Hero)
Villain is kinda crazy, he plays 36/29/23.3 with a fold to 3bet of 0 and 4bet range of 4/5, WTS% 33% over 402 hands
Hero is CO with
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Preflop i have some doubts, vs regulars and some fish i 4bet this hand CO vs BTN, vs this guy do you agree with this? I think that he plays so wide that a hand like this which migh be a pure bluff vs a lot of player at 10NL ZOOM will be a good semibluff vs this guy and with good implied odds if we hit.
Also my sizing was not the default one, i must have miss clicked since i usually 4bet to 2.2x
Also my sizing was not the default one, i must have miss clicked since i usually 4bet to 2.2x
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On the flop i decided not to cbet because even a guy like this that may call 4bets with a overly wide range, will have hit that flop in some way more often than not, he migh have JJ,KQs,AJ+ who knows.
But do you think it will be more profitable to b/gii on the flop?
But do you think it will be more profitable to b/gii on the flop?
On the turn i think i'm staking off if he bets, we only need 30% equity if he shoves, so even putting him on range of AxQy+,AJs+ and JJ-QQ, and i think that he has a wider range than this we have 39% equity. Do you agree?
OTR i tough briefly about shoving, but i don't think we are gonna make this guy fold a A ever, so i decided to just x taking our SDV beating something like QQ or TT that this guy might have, probably folding to a shove. What do you guys think of this line?
Vs a good regular i would've probably bluffed representing QTs which is on my 4bet bluffing range CO vs BTN, and the diamond flush since i could also 4bet things like Ad2d-Ad5d, that call the flop and x the turn.
Vs a good regular i would've probably bluffed representing QTs which is on my 4bet bluffing range CO vs BTN, and the diamond flush since i could also 4bet things like Ad2d-Ad5d, that call the flop and x the turn.
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I would just call the 3b against this guy. Would play the same postflop. I would think about c/shove OTF, depends on how much he stabs when checked to.
I wouldnt call a 3Bet with K9s OOP, it is def. -Ev even if he has such a high 3Betrange and you have better hands to call a 3Bet. I think you will come in a lot of troublespots if you do so in general, esp. vs. an aggro guy. Domination is also given if he 3 Bet KT+, which is possible depeding if he 3Bets polarized or linear.
DDonkeyKong, i acctually don't call this hand vs a 3bet OOP even vs a guy like this, we can get on a ton of spots with reverse implied odds if we flop our King and being OOP it will be basically a guessing situation postflop.
4bet sizing is a bit small oop imo. If he is really 3 betting a ton we can make an argument for calling.
As played I think bet flop shove turn is ok, C/R flop too. I don't really like X/calling because if you brik the turn and he shoves you probably have to fold.
As played I think turn and river are std. We can turn our hand into a bluff and shove river to make him fold Ax, KQ but we have to be sure he is capable of folding that.
Agreed about the 4bet sizing it was a misclick since i usually 4bet to 2.2x or 2.3x OOP so in this case it would be 2-2.10$.
Dont like a passiv line here, would bet flop, jam turn.
nfd in 4b pot is the nuts
flush draw always good
Make it at least $2 with a 4b, as played bet the flop.
+1 to bet flop, jam turn. This flop hits our range so we want to bet it a lot with valuehands. This means we need some bluffs aswell and I think this is a perfect one.
I would also start off with a bet. We have enough FE(strong perceived range)/E to bet this flop.
Agree with you guys about not liking this more passive line, my math at the time of play was way off, so i agree that with such an SPR bet/shove is the best line with this hand.
Also just as pure curiosity, the guy called my 4bet with Ac8h LOL
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
I've seen worse. :D
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