4bet pot w/AK IP
Posted by BeyazKin
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Low Stakes
4bet pot w/AK IP
How should you play pre-flop- flop-turn-river ? What's the best play all streets ?
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Preflop is close for me and it depends on the player. We play in the same pool and from my filters the pool 4bets like 5% and I would assume in this positions to be even tighter around 2-3% 4bet. But calling 4bet with AKo ip cant be that bad. Otf when he goes for a big size and without bdfd I m folding. As played I m just gonna try and get to showdown.
Preflop should be indifferent between shove and call. On flop your hand should be folding atleast sometimes because if you don't fold AK there you are basically never folding. Turn can sometimes start bluffing and river same thing.
Flop is a fold for that size. QJx andJTx boards are so horrible for AK when facing heat. His light 4 bets are TPTK now (ATs/AJs) and that has some really bad implications when we turn TPTK into his 2pr.
maco I am surprised to see that high of a 4b % in your pool. My pools 4b range is like 2.2% or so (clairvoyant ranges).
jam pre, fold flop
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