4bet pot BvB - problematic turn card
Posted by Mad_DOG_33
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Low Stakes
4bet pot BvB - problematic turn card
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $94.51
SB: $80.00 (Hero)
BB: $59.31
UTG: $98.00
MP: $115.31
CO: $51.40
SB: $80.00 (Hero)
BB: $59.31
UTG: $98.00
MP: $115.31
CO: $51.40
Hero is SB with
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4bet pot, problem i think often is when we have an overpair and the board is connected we want to bet for protection but we also do get committed. i think i should bet turn as there are a lot of draws in his range when the 9 hits, but i could potentially fold to the shove but it is very close even with just a few heart combos in his range. (i think he can have AThh and AQhh maybe AJhh but not always as we would call a lot instead on the turn. I could bet more like 25% pot both flop and turn and then it would be a more clear fold to a shove. Also not loving that as his draws can then peel with good odds. Tough spot i think but as played think i should probably had folded
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I think looking for reasons to fold with an overpair in a 4b pot is probably a losing endeavor the vast majority of the time. On the flop we've got an overpair with an SPR a little over 3, there is really no reason to be thinking about anything besides how best to get the money in IMO. Since it is a connected board, I'd favor $12-$14 flop bet and then turn shove. Yes we're going to be beat by sets, straights, and some 2 pair but those hands are pretty discounted by the preflop 3b, most people will just flat those. Also, if villain has the hands that beat us, they also have JT, 9T, and 56 which we would really prefer the strong flop bet and turn shove line. Villain also has most combos of QQ, TT, and many AJ. I would be interested to hear any reasons you don't like this line, though.
Also, small potatoes but I think 4b to $10 or $10.50 instead of $9 makes villains preflop decision a little harder.
Agree with JRthekid32.
With KK you want to get all the money in the middle. So would 4 bet a bigger. As played would bet flop a bit bigger. This makes that villain will have tougher decisions and your decisions will become easier.
On the turn you only need to be good 25% of the time. If the player is a NIT one could consider a fold here otherwise would call as QQ and TT can also shove on this board.
4betting bigger pre is mandatory ( slightly deep it is even more a thing). Turn I don't mind going into check/calling (ch/shoving) mode with Kh, 9 is quite good card for his range and possible with those spr we are suppose to be slowing down
So you would advocate 4betting larger with your premium holdings and expect that the players do not pick-up on that and reshove on your smaller sizings while folding to the bigger? i would assume that 4bet sizing should be same for your entire range, which is polarized in this case. i guess villains 3bet size is so small that we could size up here to 2.5 - 2.7 x his 3bet, but i am following the sizing that Ian uses in his NL50z RIO videos
with everything same big size. 18bb vs 8BB looks too small OOP, it might make sense if villain 3betting super polar range AA/A2o but most still 3betting linear type of stuff broadways, sc etc...
OOP, you want to make the 4-bet a bit bigger. Since you're deep, you want to make it slightly bigger as well.
As played, choose a flop size which allows you to shove turn.
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