4b pot with TT SBvCO
Posted by vayne
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Mid Stakes
4b pot with TT SBvCO
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BB: $204.74
UTG: $215.66
MP: $251.13
CO: $243.21
BN: $268.65
SB: $207.70 (Hero)
UTG: $215.66
MP: $251.13
CO: $243.21
BN: $268.65
SB: $207.70 (Hero)
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
wins and shows two pair, Jacks and Threes|two pair, Jacks and Threes.
SB lost and shows two pair, Tens and Threes|two pair, Tens and Threes.
CO wins $414.65
Rake is $2.75
SB lost and shows two pair, Tens and Threes|two pair, Tens and Threes.
CO wins $414.65
Rake is $2.75
Vs 28/21/8 over 3k hands. OR 30% CO
What do you guys usually do on these spots with 88-TT??
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Do you know his 4bet %?
I'd rather start with a call here on the flop with most of my 3b/flat range which is Probably 99-AA (shoving heavily dependent upon his 4b-stats) and AQs, AK
Let me see if i understand clearly.
You say that your 3b/continuing range is pretty much gonna be 100% CALL4b vs some villains and 100% 5bshove vs other villains depending of his 4b stats, right? and this is gonna look something like AA-88 AQo and stuff like TJ, KJ, KQs that could be 5bjammin or calling the 4b. I think with JJ-KK and AK is just better to just 5bjam here 100%.
Which 4b stats do you use for referral on your hud? i use (Raise first in* 4b after raisin pre = 4b range %)
Sort of correct yes.
But it is never 100%.
The more balanced / optimal / close to equilibrium villain is in my opinion the worse it gets to let's say 3b/shove JJ because if called we'll mostly be vs (QQ) KK+ but he doesn't 4b enough so that the EV of the foldequity makes up for it.
The more his 4b goes up towards ~3/4 the better it becomes to shove 88-JJ to deny equity of his 4b bluffs/make up for positional disadvantage / collect deadmoney etc.
The tighter the 4b% the more AA probably becomes a shove due to him calling KK/QQ...
TBH I have almost no 5b-"bluff" jammin in my range other than lets say 3b/shove 44 from the SB vs someone with big raise first in and high 4b%
I think this is flop where CO will cbet close to 100% so I play it the same way but it depends how wide is his 4betting range.
Making this somewhat more complex is Villain's small 4bet size. Villain should be more linear here than usual, and your own range should be quite wide here, probably including 77, T9s, KJs, and the likes.
DatpKays range is spot-on according to Pio. If you have 66-88 or A2s-A5s here, you should probably also be flatting. You should typically not raise any of your continuing range.
Why i shouldnt be raising anything here? What i though is that shoving pre is slightly EV+ but against someone is capabble of having bluffs pre we can extract a Cbet more out of them by xshovin any NON Ax board and deny some equity.
What do you think of diferents 4b sizings preflop?
Thanks for the answers guys!
You should probably not be raising anything here because Villain either is bluffing or has it. You can extract another turn bet out of bluffs sometimes by just calling. Denying equity in this case does not compensate for the fact that you pretty much always have two outs if your shove gets called.
Its true about denying equity, but ur pretty much dead when called. U have to slowplay to balance ur monsters when u have them. And if u always shoving 1010 here(made hands witch need ton of protection), your range is pretty much faceup cause flop is very dry
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