400NL TPTK vs unexpected raise river

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400NL TPTK vs unexpected raise river

SB: $400 (Hero)
BB: $439.39
UTG: $443.39
UTG1: $400
LJ: $448.32
HJ: $404
CO: $154
BN: $160
Villian is not too creative. He is a little bit loose preflop for full ring. VPIP/PFR 21/16. 4B RANGE EARLY 1.7. FOLD 3B 52. And i have a note on him, that i saw him turning value hands into a bluffs a few times. The fact that i saw a few times, doesn´t means that he usually do it. Like i said, he is not too creative. But the way that u played my hand could induce some bluffs i think, specially with mi river size. What do u think ?
Preflop ($6.00) (8 Players)
Hero was dealt A K
UTG folds, UTG1 raises to $8, LJ calls $8, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $40, BB folds, UTG1 calls $32, LJ folds
Flop ($94.00) 6 5 K (2 Players)
Hero checks, UTG1 bets $45, Hero calls $45
I prefer check calling here, because i think that i never ever have 3 streets of value against this postflop "nit" with AK. So i take te oportunity to balance my range for when i have something like TT-QQ. Probably i just be playing 3 barrels with AA vs him.
Turn ($184.00) 6 5 K 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, UTG1 checks
River ($184.00) 6 5 K 2 4 (2 Players)
Hero bets $68, UTG1 raises to $277


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WM2K 12 years ago
If you not comfortable playing AK here for stacks postflop when you hit gin you probably should be 3 betting it. I call AK most of the time in the sb vs UTG 6 max so this is the same situation.

As played this is really sick and you have yourself at the top of your range but villains range isnt all that defined. I don t see many 3x in his range other then maybe 33 but you describe him as a postflop nit so I m pretty tentative about calling. He also knows you have something. Any chance you d be playing QQ this way? Other wise he s just trying to bluff you off a K and I doubt this is what is happening.

I don t have much experience in this sort of spot but my intuition says its a fold.
TJ Serdar 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure your river bet is a mistake. I just don't see many worse hands calling there, but I could definitely see stuff like 99 turning itself into a bluff vs that bet.
Juan Copani 12 years ago
What lines do u propose ? I was trying to create a differente dinamic. I just felt that if i bet bet bet i never have 3 streets of value, so i have to c/c c/c c/c which would be very strange if he bet bet bet as a bluff, i dont expect that too much of him. If i dont have 3 streets of value, i think i should balance my range and play like if i have TT-QQ. Then i can bet flop, then check, which is almost always check check turn, check check river, and i win against something like QQ or JJ. Or i can bet flop, bet turn when he is almost always folding.

I played too many hands at this levels, but im having some problems choosing the right line in this kinds of spots. Am i just trying to take value that doesn´t exists ? Should i just resign that this are situations of 1 street of value and no more most of the time ?
TJ Serdar 12 years ago
If you can't get 3 streets with this hand, 1) your not bluffing enough, and 2) this becomes a great texture to barrel with a lot of air if no one is every calling you down w/
In general I'd just bet 3 streets on this runoff. Or, you can bet fl and tu and ch/ca river.
James Hudson 12 years ago
"Villian is not too creative."

"And i have a note on him, that i saw him turning value hands into a bluffs a few times"

To me these two statements don't really jive together. Either you're just saying that you've seen him turn hands into bluffs to justify your call and he's not creative or he actually is creative and can turn hands into bluffs. There's not a ton of stuff players can do at a table to exhibit creativity outside of stuff like turning made hands into bluffs. I guess he could do stuff like 1/3 pot donk bets or min re raises pre flop, or check raise a bunch with the lead but in reality no one is really doing these things. /end mini rant.
Juan Copani 12 years ago
I tried to say that is not impossible he is turning a made hand into a bluff, but this is not happening to often neither. He definitely is not a creative player. But some players just never ever can see a bluff with hands like 99. And anothers do..
Edichka1 12 years ago
If you tag this player as a "nit" then his calling 3bet range is wide/light then you are missing value by not betting, would you bet AQr in that spot? Would you c/r AQ in that spot? Would bet fold QQ in that spot ?
Bottom line is if you are 3betting AKr OOP and not firing on a great flop for your hand then you are missing a ton of value from all his Kx that he would call 3 streets with, as played its a check call on the river, I think leading when his range has to include 78c is bad. IMO
R0b5ter 12 years ago
Like WM2K saif I prefer just calling AK here since your 3 betting range is going to be so narrow. As played I think I'm cbetring 100% here. If you check with TT-QQ here your range is face up in villains eyes despite your attempt to balance this with AK. Go for 3 barrels of value and instead balance that line with bluffs occasionaly.
WM2K 12 years ago
| do. Why is that so crazy to play a consistent and balanced range?
Juan Copani 12 years ago
I like that... if you are playing a non 3bet strategy, even with KK+. But i think u can do a better use of your image playing an aggresive (and balance) strategy, when u 3bet more hands, and almost never calling pre. If people is playing to nittie to make me feel combortable jaming AK, i will 3bet as many bluffs as i can until this situation changes. And if he doesn´t i am winning anyway...

Is not crazy, i see a lot of regs playing that kind of style. But im convice that u can do it better playing 3bets, and almost never call OOP against nittie ranges, and specially a nittie gameflow posflop. Because when UTG villain is cbeting T52r and u call, most of them are not playing 3 barrels with JJ or ATs, once u called flop, they inmediatly start to smell your big overpair in da house.
fush.arsi 12 years ago
why you're balancing your range in this way instead of 3betting with hands like 9Ts, 98s... ?
if you call with monsters in sb what is your line postflop?
raiser_burn 12 years ago
If you consider villian a nit, what gave you the assumption that he was gonna barrel his bluffs into you all 3 streets. by not cbetting the flop turn river, you lose value from all his Kx's as well as his draws. if he was type to bet his draw, which we will assume he's not cause "hes a nit", do you still call his river bet when the draw completes? I would assume you don't have enough bluffs in your range if you dont' think you can get at least 2 streets of value from utg open flat.
Chubs 12 years ago
If you say he turns a lot of his hands which have showdown value into bluffs and is a semi creative player then I would say you can add a lot of draws into his betting range once you checked off flop. and once you bet the river super small he could perceive it as a blocker bet with a KQ, AK, or QQ and exploit this by turning lots of his range into bluffs. 88 - QQ, AQc - A2c, all complete air hands that don't want to give up. all sets, straights, two pairs, ect are raising for value. I like a check call line on the River you still get value from lots of his bluffs, and you don't get yourself in the spot your in where he could easily have lots of two pairs sets, straight ect.. The only possible downfall of check the river back is losing value from a his showdown value range (88-QQ) but considering his tendencys to turn these hands into bluffs, I would just check call riv to avoid the situation your in. All in all your hand has 60% equity against his range and your pot odds are around 33% so mathematically you should call.
fush.arsi 12 years ago
i dont play these stakes but keeping this line is very likely that villain is putting you in JJ-QQ. anyway, in 3bet pot with these board i would go for stacks.

i like checking turn, but i dont understand what is you goal for doing that? induce villain to bluff maybe he is floating? to balance your range because youre doing this with pocket pairs? i think is a clear call

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