4 bet folding JJ co vs btn?
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Low Stakes
4 bet folding JJ co vs btn?
Spot I got into today that I ended up folding.
hero co Open 2.5,
btn 7.5,
hero 23,
btn jams.
Btn is a super aggro player who has basically 3 bet me every time i've opened and i've been mixing in 4 bets and calls vs him. He tends to cbet 1/3 and then check back turn even with top pair. Then River I don't have a large sample, but called my river bluff with TPWK once and another time Idk what he had, but I won the pot. I wanna say he called me ace high, but maybe he had a pair that checked back on T7248.
Snowie is 4 betting TT+ AK+ here and then calling off QQ+ AKs. I am wondering if 4 betting JJ and TT here is better than flatting the 3 bet? I guess people can call 4 bet and fold flop quite a bit... I am not sure what the EV is with JJ & TT hands. What hands are you 4 bet bluffing here in CO vs someone who 3 bets a lot! on the button?
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