3bpt bluffcatching a fish
Posted by MatoStar
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Low Stakes
3bpt bluffcatching a fish
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BB: $28.02 (Hero)
UTG: $23.32
MP: $26.24
CO: $19.19
BN: $26.15
SB: $17.40
UTG: $23.32
MP: $26.24
CO: $19.19
BN: $26.15
SB: $17.40
35/14 188
FCB 58
FCB 58
Hero is BB with
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Interesting that solver would x/r for a 1/2 (mixing with folds, calling is slightly -ev). Which kind of makes sense against good reg. With intention to fold to 3b shove and checking most rivers. (check/calling on most of them)
Not sure if this kind of fish is going to be more bluff or value heavy. Without the river flush, I would definitely x/c. However, since he is UTG, his range is probably a bit tighter (even if he is a fish - he is a bit tighter pre anyway). Therefore its harder for him to be massively overbluffing. 87s, QcJc,9c8c and few AcXc are his natural bluffs. On the value part, he can have KQs (maybe sometimes KQo and AK as well), KJs, AsXs,8s7s,9s8s,TT,KTs and possibly 55,66. Combining his possible value and bluffs together, I think its much harder for him to be underbluffing, so that we should be more inclined to call
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Hi, I'm a little clueless about what to do on the river but pre-flop I think I'd take a different route.
I don't like the 3bet pre, specially against that sizing. I wasn't sure so I went to see what snowie said it sugested 7% 3bet 93% call. If it was 2.5x raise snowie would allways 3bet tho. That being said, it's a weaker player, we want to play post-flop against him and since you say he's tighter pre we would be doing ok against his RFI range but not that well against his range that calls your 3bet. You don't need to isolate because you're last to act so I don't see that much upside in raising. (Please someone give their opinions on this as I'm not very sure).
On the river I'd be lost so I'd try to resort to some math and that combo, along with ATdd might be the best bluff catcher we get on that river as played.
I made a 3bet because if fish plays 35/14, he most likely raise the similar amount of hands from the BTN and EP. I think that we still have a bit close 3b for value.. his f3b was also on a lower side which allows us to 3b more linear hands. Also his FCB is pretty high therefore 3b and range cbet might be an autoprofit option.
Disagree about having a best bluffcatcher. We are suppose to check the turn with some Kx and AsQs,AsJs as well
What would you bet turn as a bluff?
F*ck solvers, you are playing against a fish :D
I'd bet for value OTT, I know it might not look standard for first look, but against a fish with a ton of draws and backdoor draws, even with worse pairs than ours... You have a very clear valuebet against the range. (Btw check/raising could make sense for the same 'getting the most value" reason - it depends, if you have info that he's an active fish who will bet most of the times, you can go for a value x/r, but standard is vbet turn against an unknown fish)
The adventage is that he can't checkback and realize free equity and that you'll be the one sizing, not villain.
Played like this I would call the river, there are more than enough missed draws and backdoor draws (and maybe like a 5x occasionally) next to the few Kx and bd flush he can valuebet.
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